A date with Edward

Hey hey hey 😀 Hope you’re all having a wonderful night <3

I’m about to take a little snooze before my friends and I head to our midnight date with vampires. I’m so ridiculously excited 😀

Afternoon snack was the other half this mornings’ Ezekiel before doing legs with Jeni:


Here’s what we did:

Elliptical Warm up 5 minutes
Kettleball squat 6 lbs 3 sets of 12
Prone hamstring curl 35 lbs 3 sets of 12
Bicycle crunch Body weight 3 sets of 15
Seated calf raise 45 lbs 3 sets of 12
Total time: 45 minutes    

We took it a little easy today, and stopped to chat with the pilots that were there working out 🙂

I had two awesome training appointments (one with funny quote lady) and then came back to the puppers.

Dinner was blasé.


1 cup of Amy’s vegan Butternut squash soup and a salad with hummus, olives and grape tomatoes. Pretty tasty, but nothing crazy 😉


So I try to keep things from being toooooo personal, as I post for the world to see, but thought I’d talk about some girly stuff for a second. (Guy readers, feel free to say adios, haha)

Have you guys read Gena’s insanely informational post on birth control?

Well after twelve years of being on the Pill (TWELVE!), I stopped taking it two weeks ago. The reason I started taking it in the first place was for medical reasons, then it eventually became necessary for well, other reasons 🙂 I did quite a bit of research for the past few months and decided that after making such an effort to rid chemicals from my diet, I didn’t want to continue putting them into my body in the form of synthetic hormones. The pilot and I aren’t planning on little Fitnessistas or pilots at this moment, but I’m in a position where if it were to happen, it would be ok. I’m not knocking the Pill in any way, because obviously it worked well for me, for many years; however, I felt like it was a good time to rid my body of all the extra chemicals and begin to understand my cycle.

Before stopping the Pill, I read a book called “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” which I couldn’t possibly recommend enough. It really is a book that every woman should read and it teaches how to understand what’s going on with your body and a totally natural form of birth control (for monogamous relationships)  in which you track your cycle. It was a fascinating read and taught me WAY more than I learned in the goobery 6th grade class we all had to take 😉 So every morning I jot down my temperature right when I wake up, and keep track of other signs that indicate fertility.

So how do I feel? AMAZING. Even though I never really felt bad while I was on it, I feel like myself again. It’s like when the Wizard of Oz switches from black and white to color. Ok, not that intense, but I feel pretty dang good 🙂 I’ve never really had to deal with skin issues and was horrified my face would break out or something crazy would happen, but so far so good (*knock on wood*). The only bummer things about it is that I’ve been a little extra tired lately and I just feel slightly wonky from the hormones trying to balance out again.


Well I’m gonna take these puppers out and get ready for my date with Edward. I’m wearing sweats and a hoodie. I hope he thinks it’s seksi 😉 Haha

See you in the morning, or mid-morning.. I have a feeling I’ll be sleeping in a little.



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  1. Katieedid on November 19, 2009 at 9:34 pm

    Time for second cousins!

    • Fitnessista on November 19, 2009 at 9:47 pm

      LOL. tom wants kids now, but i want to wait until we’re in tucson so you and i can have babies together 🙂

  2. Dori on November 19, 2009 at 9:37 pm

    I just stopped taking mine as well after 8 years of being on it. I am looking forward to finally seeing how it feels to be me, not a hormone-controlled version of me. Not looking forward to the screaming painful cramps, the reason I went on it in the first place. But who knows.

    I attended a blogger event where we learned about Venus Week (about one week every woman has each month where you feel sexy and even look sexier) and we received the book. I didn’t read it because the doctor who wrote it told me you don’t experience this amazing week when you’re on the pill; it numbs it. I am looking forward to experiencing it. The book link is here in case you are interested: http://www.venusweek.com/home.asp

    • Krysta on November 20, 2009 at 11:12 am

      I could be wrong here, as I have not read the book, however based on other articles I have read on the subject I am inclined to believe that “Venus Week” coincides with your ovulation. There have been studies showing a link between your hormones during ovulation and its effect on you and your attractiveness to the opposite sex. I suppose that is natures way of attracting a mate for procreation. It would also make sense that you wouldn’t experience this while on the pill.

  3. RunningBetty on November 19, 2009 at 9:44 pm

    After 10 years of the depo birth control shot, I said to my husband (over 2 yrs ago), “That’s my last shot.” I decided:
    1) Like you said, how can I be eating organic but shooting false hormones in my body and not getting a period for 10 years
    2) I had taken control of the BC situation for 10 years and now it was HIS turn.
    Because we’ve had our babies and because he’d done his research earlier, it was off to surgery for him. Wonderul decision. One bag of frozen peas and 7 hours of drugged up guy later, sure beats years of me getting weirdo shots!

    • Fitnessista on November 19, 2009 at 9:48 pm

      thats AWESOME. good for you!
      it’s amazing for the guy to have to worry about it for once, right??

  4. Erica on November 19, 2009 at 9:51 pm

    Josh and I are in the same boat! I have been on birth control for…. gosh almost 10 years. I am going to read Gena’s post right now. Thanks for the heads up

  5. simpledaisy on November 19, 2009 at 9:53 pm

    OH…I totally struggle with being on the pill….I am 35 and my hubby and I are not planning on having any little ones…but the next step seems so permanent! Anwho…I really wish I could be off the pill…I KNOW it does screw with my hormones and I always carry about 5 extra lbs when I am on it!! Which I have been on and off it for many…many years!! I guess it’s better than menopause!! haha~~

  6. Kath on November 19, 2009 at 9:55 pm

    I’d love to see how my body does without too, but not enough to risk a baby at this point in my life! And I’d hate to have heavy periods again 🙁

    • Fitnessista on November 19, 2009 at 9:55 pm

      yes, i’m interested to see how that goes.. mine used to be really heavy :/

  7. rhodeygirl on November 19, 2009 at 9:57 pm

    Thanks for sharing that with us Gina!

    My friend got off the Pill a few months ago and her husband said she was CRAZY from her hormones trying to balance themselves. I am happy you are not going through that!

    I really want to play baby roulette right now but PhillyBoy is making me wait a few more months before we can play that game hahaha. And even then I will also use NFP methods until next summer. Bummer because I WANT a PHILLYBABY asap!

    • Fitnessista on November 20, 2009 at 2:50 am

      and you would be the CUTEST little mom ever 😀

  8. katie on November 19, 2009 at 9:59 pm

    That’s interesting that you are stopping the pill. I would really love to get off it as well but aren’t ready to have kids. And my doctor advised me not to. Ugh..thanks for sharing!

  9. The Healthy Hostess on November 19, 2009 at 10:01 pm

    Good for you! I actually did the same this summer. I was sick of chemicals in my body and went off the pill. I felt great!! My husband and I were being careful, but not careful enough and we are due in April! It honestly took no time at all to get pregnant when we weren’t exactly trying. We were totally happy with the thought that it could happen but our plans were to wait another year. Everything happens for a reason and we could not be more happy and excited, but just be careful( if you want to:))

    • Scorpio Woman on November 19, 2009 at 10:03 pm

      Congratulation! When I stop the pill, I got pregnant 3-4 months after.

    • LC @ Let Them Eat Lentils on November 21, 2009 at 12:50 am

      Congratulations!! Same thing happened to my friend and I think everything happens for a reason. If we all waited for the perfect time to have babies, the human race would die out.

  10. Scorpio Woman on November 19, 2009 at 10:02 pm

    I was on the pills near 6-7 years without any problem. Then I was pregnant and after I gave birth I took an intrauterine device (Mirena). With that, I had so many problems (I won’t write them here LOL). This summer, I took the decision to have it removed and since August I’m back on the pills (Marvelon). And I don’t have the problems I got while on Mirena. I feel great.

  11. Megan @ Healthy Hoggin on November 19, 2009 at 10:03 pm

    I can totally relate! I have been on the pill for 10 years now, and I’m seriously considering stopping soon as well– but it’s scary!! Being married, it’s not the worst thing in the world if I get pregnant… but I “ideally” I’d like to take the time to prepare my body to be a good BABY OVEN! 😉

    • Fitnessista on November 20, 2009 at 2:49 am

      yup, same here!

  12. Jessica @ How Sweet It Is on November 19, 2009 at 10:05 pm

    Thanks for this! I am planning on going off the pill in January. I’m nervous, but want to do it.

  13. Pure2Raw Twins on November 19, 2009 at 10:09 pm

    Well you know our story of going off the pill. And we are still dealing with trying to balance out our hormones. Though, we still struggle with the face breakouts and emotional ups and downs. I know eventually it will all calm down… time is the key … which sucks! HAHA

  14. Erin on November 19, 2009 at 10:12 pm

    Cool topic, and one I can relate to for two reasons:

    Firstly, I can’t take the pill, or any other form of hormone-based contraceptive. I’ve had brief 3-month flirtations with taking it since I was about 16 (I’m now 25), but it’s just not worth it for me. Why? Well when I’m on it, I get SICK – constant cramps, vomiting, and my period all.the.time. (yup – for three months at a time).

    However, despite being in a long term relationship, I’m totally not in the position – financially, professionally, or mentally – to have a child now. I still have a lot of growing up to do before I even consider it, so it’s polluting-the-Earth for me in the mean time, unfortunately, as I don’t entirely trust natural methods (but that’s just because of my not-being-ready for a baby yet — when I am, I will consider natural methods of contraception).

    Secondly, my best friend also cannot take the pill, as she becomes psychotic when on it (literally – she has been diagnosed). She loses the ability to ‘feel’ and react like a normal person, and basically gives up on caring about life, as well as obsessing unhealthily about her weight and appearance. When she’s not on it, she’s a much happier and more balanced person.

    It’s honestly so scary what these hormones can do to our bodies. An interesting discussion to bring up, as I think a lot of people assume that everyone can be on the pill, or indeed WANTS to be on the pill.

  15. Brittany on November 19, 2009 at 10:12 pm

    I have been considering not taking birth control lately also. I have no real side effects besides a lower sex drive (sorry if that’s TMI!) and I also think I’ve been noticing an increase in my irritability which I have read could be due to taking these pills. I am young and in college and am in NO WAY ready to have children for a WHILE. I think it would be risky to stop taking them but I want my body to return to normal.

    • Fitnessista on November 20, 2009 at 2:48 am

      yeah it’s like a catch 22. the #1 reason why i stopped was because i’m in a position now where i can take that risk. in college, no way! i needed to graduate sans baby 😀

  16. Karen on November 19, 2009 at 10:24 pm

    That’s so great that you are able to go off the pill! I have been on the pill for 4 years and I would love to stop taking it. However, I’m only 21 and in a long term relationship but I don’t want kids for 5-10 years. In Europe, there are non-hormonal IUDs made of copper that are very effective, but in the US they only have one that is FDA approved and it is only recommended for women who have already given birth.

    • Fitnessista on November 20, 2009 at 2:47 am

      yes, i did some research on it and didn’t sound like it would work for me :/

  17. Paige (Running Around Normal) on November 19, 2009 at 10:37 pm

    I did read Gena’s post about that, and would love to go off the pill! I’ve been on it for 10 years, and think it’s a little creepy that I’ve been on this hormone for so long. It’d definitely have to be a mutual decision with the husband, and a huge responsibility, but I can definitely see why someone would want to go off of it.

    Have fun tonight!!! I can’t wait to see it 😀

  18. april on November 19, 2009 at 10:39 pm

    Interesting topic! I’m currently on the pill and I actually love it! In my opinion it’s much better than what I had to deal with before. I’m a nurse as well and think the pill is a great idea for many women.. but it’s also every woman’s choice to continue to take it or not! 🙂

  19. Sarah @ The Foodie Diaries on November 19, 2009 at 10:44 pm

    Thank you so much for writing about this, Gina. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you think/suspect about the pill. And for these reasons, I don’t take it either. I do always thiiiiink about taking it for convenience–but I really do feel that when I care so much about what I put into my body nutritionally… I shouldn’t take any risk just for convenience sake.

    Enjoy NM!

  20. Laura J. on November 19, 2009 at 10:52 pm

    I’m probably a minority here, but after 2 kids (I’m only 24) birth control is my bff, ha. 2 kiddos is plenty of work right now and my hubby and I are at the point where we don’t think we want anymore kids, but we’re still pretty young, so we don’t want to do anything drastic (like him getting a vasectomy) in case further down the road we want to add another lil nugget to the brood. I think it’d be great (healthwise) to not have to be on any birth control, but I’m just not willing to risk another bebe right now. Very interesting topic though 🙂 Have fun tonight!! I can’t wait to see New Moon! You need to give us a full recap tomorrow 🙂 ha

  21. Molly @thevegandorm on November 19, 2009 at 10:57 pm

    I have some weird condition where I don’t get my period (not the usual from too little body fat – my hormones are just screwed). I’m supposed to be on the pill because it’s the only way I actually get them (and along with periods comes all kinds of other stuff that is good to have) but after reading that article, I was pretty conflicted. I think what I’ll end up doing is getting on it for a few months out of the year to get a few cycles in and then letting my body do its thing, even if it is a little sketch haha.

  22. Anna on November 19, 2009 at 10:59 pm

    I think this is a very interesting topic and love how blogs let women from all over chat 🙂 I’m on YAZ to control my horrific pms/pmdd (I would literally go bipolar/depressive for a few days each month, like clockwork) and it has worked wonderfully, as well as eliminated cramps etc. but I hate how my life revolves around this little pill and hate having to pump fake hormones into my system to override my natural hormones!!! I will definitely check out natural methods someday when I’m married and settled. Have fun at the movie!!

  23. laura dishes on November 19, 2009 at 11:02 pm

    Great discussion! I’m on Nuvaring, and while I don’t mind it, I’d prefer not to be on it. I just feel so much better when my hormones are more natural and actually feel balanced. I’m looking forward to the day when I can stop taking birth control- when I’m married and okay with the possibility of a baby! 🙂

    • Fitnessista on November 20, 2009 at 2:45 am

      exactly! until then, DEFINITELY do what’s working for you!

  24. Carolyn on November 19, 2009 at 11:23 pm

    I’ve been thinking of going off hormonal BC, also. I’m not sure I have the personality to be able to keep track of the TCOYF stuff, but I may try a diaphragm or something. Glad you’re feeling like yourself!!

  25. Whit on November 19, 2009 at 11:25 pm

    I’m with you Gina! I [for health reasons] was on the pill, and honestly I felt like a different person! Not a bad different person, just not myself. I tossed it out the window and [after 6 months of NO PERIOD] I feel completely like myself again. IT’S AWESOME!

  26. hotchick on November 19, 2009 at 11:30 pm

    Hi Fitnessita, I’m a big fan, I look at your blog every day. Not taking your pill because of chemicals…isn’t that taking it a little too far?? I mean you can get preggo anytime now. If you don’t want chems in your body, wouldn’t you have to stop using Annie’s ketchup? or Goddess Dressing? Don’t those have chems too?? I love your ways and everything, but I think this is taking too far, IMO.

    • Fitnessista on November 20, 2009 at 2:45 am

      xanthan gum is a little different from synthetic hormones.
      i’m married and in a position where if i had a baby, it would be ok. we’re still using a back-up method of BC, but i wanted to understand my body and cycle before we start trying for kids. i have many friends who had to spend at least a year getting their cycle to regulate after being on BC, so instead of waiting until we’re trying, i’m doing that now.

      • rhodeygirl on November 20, 2009 at 1:31 pm

        I’d also like to add that NFP (recording basal temperature among other, more graphic forms of regulating your body) can be a VERY effective form of birth control, it just takes a lot more work!!!

  27. BethT on November 19, 2009 at 11:41 pm

    I stopped taking the pill too because I’m ok with being pregnant- I too feel great. However, I emphasize “ok with being pregnant” 🙂 Hope you are too, just in case! 😉

  28. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) on November 20, 2009 at 12:38 am

    Girl, best thing I ever did was go off the pill. And Ive read Taking Charge of Your Fertility and agree, amazing awesome book. I was on the pill from age 14-15 to age 28. Getting off it to get pregnant felt sooo weird. I actually felt like myself again. After 13 freakin years, my entire adult life. I know exactly what you mean. Thankfully I was a woman who got pregnant very easily when I wanted to be after being on it that long as I have friends who were not as lucky and it took them ages to get their cycles regulated and eventually conceive.

    In the last 5+ yrs I have moved much, much farther down the holistic spectrum and never again will I take the Pill again. Ever. I hear ya on the chemicals. But I feel so much better not being on it. It’s just the way I feel for me, this is the right choice. We have one child, we are blessed, and know the risks of not being on the pill, and I’m ok with that.

    Glad you are too 🙂

  29. katie on November 20, 2009 at 12:41 am

    such a great thing about the birth control!! this is making me want to go off of it..haha..that was good info!!

    • Fitnessista on November 20, 2009 at 2:42 am

      don’t let me influence you!!! it’s just working well for me, you just need to find a method that’s right for you

  30. Alisson on November 20, 2009 at 12:48 am

    Ladies, there is nothing wrong with using a condom. I have been in a serious long term committed relationship where neither one of us wants to ever have kids. Ever. I also have never been on the pill and probably never will. I practice a bit of tracking my cycle and condom use, actually heavy condom use at times. There happen to be many great options on the market. I suggest you check out a website called Good Vibrations. Of course there are pros and cons of every option, but please don’t overlook this option. If you quit the pill you don’t have to go to using no form of birth control. Gosh I never thought this would be my first fitnessista comment, but anyway I love your blog and posts like this actually solidify why I like your blog so much. I am sure that I don’t only speak for myself when I say that I really appreciate your putting your self out there like this. Keep up the good work.

    • Fitnessista on November 20, 2009 at 2:42 am

      hey alisson,
      thank you so much! and you’re totally right: nothing wrong with a condom 😉

  31. Sarah Anne (Salamanderpal) on November 20, 2009 at 1:21 am

    Congrats Gina!

    I went off it back in *gasp* 2000, spent some time on it due to PCOS like difficulty. Then I figured “Why does it matter if I have a period? Why do I have to use chemicals to get one? This is not really addressing the problem”. After YEARS of using the pill, I had a really hard time getting my cycle to regulate. It still isn’t regular but I’d rather have my body decide what’s right.

    My Chiropractor at the time, recommended Evening Primrose Oil while I was going off..it really helped balance things out. Worth a shot! (Or a chat with an herbalist/Naturopath)

    Much <3 to you!

  32. Lauren on November 20, 2009 at 1:28 am

    Hope you enjoy the movie!!

    I’ve never taken and will never take hormonal BC. There are just too many negative side effects, some of which you mentioned: irregular, painful, heavy, or extended periods; weight fluctuations; acne; lowered sex drive; mood swings and emotional distress; increased risk for cancers, miscarriages, and reproductive problems. I’m glad that every woman has the freedom to choose hormonal BC if she decides it’s right for her, but for me the choice of condoms is a no-brainer.

    Tracking one’s cycle sounds interesting, but I don’t think I could ever bring myself to take the risk. I would just have to use condoms anyway, and then what’s the point of tracking one’s cycle? And doesn’t it mean you can’t have sex on certain days?

    Sigh. every single time I come across one of these discussions, I feel frustrated and unhappy with the lack of choices available to us women. Basically, we can have hormonal BC, or condoms. There really should be something better, non-chemical, that allows for accuracy and freedom. How hard can it be, with modern science and technology? We women need to express ourselves, or else we will have to remain content with what we have now. I’m glad that you and other people like Gena have furthered this conversation. It’s really important. Time for the guys to listen up!

  33. Emily on November 20, 2009 at 1:48 am

    Hurrah & good for you! I was on it for about 10 years. I wouldn’t knock it either but I certainly relate to feeling free now. After a few months of feeling no real difference, I then evened out. I felt like I should throw a party 🙂

  34. Mama Pea on November 20, 2009 at 2:46 am

    Thanks for sharing your story about the Pill. I just can’t understand why we’ve ever thought it was a good idea to mess with our hormones. I’ve NEVER taken the pill and I totally think it is possible to do the homework and “take control” of your own fertility! Good for you!

  35. Lisa on November 20, 2009 at 3:10 am

    Oh my goodness, i can’t believe you just wrote about that. I just saw a naturopath today to discuss some issues and she advised me to take some time off my pill too, amongst other changes. I want to give my body the chance to do it’s own thing for a while too but i am nervous as my skin has been so good since being on it, despite it being a low hormone pill, my light period returning to quite heavy and cramping etc. It’s great to hear you haven’t had any negative side effects.

    Now to convince my husband to use condoms for a while… that’s the hard part (no pun intended pee hee). I am 27 and like you, wouldn’t mind having a baby but ideally don’t want to right now as we’re taking a round the world trip next year (and so excited to visit the US after reading about your adventures around the country!).

    Well if you don’t mind, please do update on how you’re going and if you do experience any changes.

    And hope New Moon is fun! We’re all mad about it in my office (like most people in Australia… and the world obviously) and a group of us are seeing it Tuesday.

    Thanks for your insights, you’re such a helpful lady in so many ways!

    • Fitnessista on November 20, 2009 at 10:40 am

      you’re going to LOVE new moon.
      hahah getting the pilot to wear condoms every once in a while was quite the battle, too. but i won 😉
      i’ll definitely update on how things are going!

  36. Amy L on November 20, 2009 at 3:16 am

    I only took the pill for about 6 months when I was 18. HATED how it made me feel. And it turned out with PCOS I didn’t really need it anyway. Been off of it for 10 years and no little ones yet. 🙁 Taking Charge of your Fertility is a REALLY awesome book. For natural birth control as well as for trying to conceive. I need to get a new copy … misplaced mine somewhere along the way. And yes this is what you should learn as a young girl. I knew nothing about some stuff until I read the book.

  37. Sarah on November 20, 2009 at 3:28 am

    Hello from England!

    I have just started reading your blog and love it. I come off the pill a few months back and was OK to start with and I have now broke out in loads of spots, face, back and chest – being 32 and single its not really what I need. I havent got the greatest eating habits (I am trying to improve) and have started to exercise but feeling I have to get back to the doctor to get some magic potion as I hate it!

    Feels good being off the pill though and not having to remember to take it all the bleedin time!

    Love you blog, really look forward to reading it you inspire me to be more healthy as you look amazing.

    Sarah xxx

    • Fitnessista on November 20, 2009 at 10:39 am

      thanks so much for reading my little blog <3
      sorry to hear about your body's reaction to going off the pill.. hopefully you can find something that works better for you
      not having to remember to take is is pretty glorious!
      have a great day 😀

  38. Kathleen on November 20, 2009 at 4:04 am

    I tried the pill for a year because I have the WORST periods but just went off it a few months ago because it was freaking me out…I totally hear you about being wary of putting extra chemicals in your body! Hope it all works out, I would love to hear more about how you are tracking your fertility and if it works.

    I just got back from seeing NEW MOON and it was amazing…although the ending left a lot open and I don’t know if I can wait til June 30th for Eclipse…I guess I can try 🙂

  39. molly on November 20, 2009 at 4:07 am

    gina, i totes agree with you on the pill issue. i think it’s great that you brought it up, i think lots of women (clearly!) agree with you and it’s worth discussing out in the open. i am in a committed relationship as well and don’t feel the pill is necessary – it was seriously making me an emotional mess. so now i’m off it and feel sooo much better. although, it is a bit scary if aunt flo’s a little late into town! 🙂

  40. deisegirl on November 20, 2009 at 6:30 am

    I was humming and hawing about going off the Pill after 7 years on it and I finallly did it a couple of months ago. Get the odd lower back pain and cramps but I’m guessing it’s just my body trying to regulate itself after years of “chemical regulation” (it was really bad the first few weeks but seems to have eased off now). My cycle hasn’t steadied itself either which annoys me after so many years of working like clockwork (with the odd deviation at times of severe stress) but I suppose I can’t expect it to bounce back.

  41. Therese on November 20, 2009 at 7:19 am

    I wasn’t on the pill for nearly as long as you, but when I went off (I just hated the way it made me feel) it took my body about an entire year to get back on track. I went months without a period, then got 2 in one month, etc. Also my PMS is much more intense now.

    My parents used abstinence as their form of birth control (Catholics don’t believe in contraception) and only planned on three kids. Well now they have four…my younger brother was their “little surprise” lol.

    • Fitnessista on November 20, 2009 at 10:28 am

      i’m catholic as well.. but not 100% as i HIGHLY believe in contraception 😉

      • deisegirl on November 21, 2009 at 9:27 am

        Hey, the joy of being Catholic is you can just pick and choose which bits suit you (sacreligious or what?!)

  42. Kristen on November 20, 2009 at 7:20 am

    I just started reading TCOYF and I LOVE it! I got it from the library and printed my own charts of the TCOYF website. I’m so impressed with her approach!

    It’s so empowering to understand your cycles this way and not NEED the pill! 😀

  43. Jessica on November 20, 2009 at 8:28 am

    COngrats for TCOYF! I went off the pill 2 and a half years ago, and started tracking my cycles a la TCOYF. I learned so much, it was empowering, and made it really easy to time the baby-making. I wish young girls entering puberty could get that kind of in-depth knowledge of their cycles, I think it would make them proud and interested in their bodies instead of ashamed and afraid.

    John Robbins wrote a wonderful book “Reclaiming OUr Health” where he talks about women’s health. He advocates this method, and says that you can get these little microscopes to check your mucus to really pinpoint ovulation. I’m just about to have baby #2, and I don’t want to ever go back on the pill (or any other hormone therapy, for that matter), so I want to look into it.

    THanks for bringing up this topic!

  44. Stephanie on November 20, 2009 at 8:44 am

    I agree with everything that’s been posted above, but I guess I just wanted to chime in with one more thing– the best part of this discussion is having the freedom and options to figure out what’s right for us. The birth control pills were a HUGE step forward for women because it finally empowered us to have more control over our bodies. (Yes, I understand that artifical hormones, etc. are not necessarily the best option, but still…) There are still too many men out there who refuse to be an equal partner in protection and, although we still have long ways to go, it’s a great feeling to have options and the freedom to decide!

    • Fitnessista on November 20, 2009 at 10:27 am

      FOR REAL!
      being empowered = amazin

  45. Jami on November 20, 2009 at 8:51 am

    Great topic! It’s great to hear about other woman’s opinions on something so personal. As for me, I never got on birth control due to being so scared about putting extra hormones in my body. Instead it was just rubbers, even with my long term partners and husband. We did end up having an “accident” with one, in which I came out with the most adorable daughter and best thing to ever happen to me, but as soon as I could I got the copper IUD implanted.

    I love my IUD now and am still hormone free with all the benefits of not having to worry about getting pregnant right now. I would love to have more children in the future so the option of having it removed whenever I want is nice.

    • Fitnessista on November 20, 2009 at 10:26 am

      IUD is an excellent option for many people
      getting one on base though, is no picnic :/

  46. Ashley on November 20, 2009 at 8:52 am

    A few weeks ago a good friend of mine (27 years old) suffered a major stroke because of YAZ birth control. Since then I’ve been thinking about my options. I hate to take birth control but I am not at the point where I can risk having a child. I’ll check out the book you suggested perhaps it will offer a better solution for me. Great post!

  47. Nelly on November 20, 2009 at 8:59 am

    the movie was fantabulous…i can’t wait to see it again…hope you enjoyed it…

    i was on bc as well…and i gained 40 pounds…and became a crazy ball of hormones…i decided to go off of it…and i lost all the weight, plus some, in less than 2 months…now what does that tell you? i finally started to feel normal and happy again…i guess it’s not for everyone…

    happy friday…


  48. Stephanie on November 20, 2009 at 9:02 am

    I have been going back and forth about quitting the pill, especially with all the new lawyer commercials about yaz/yasmin (which I’m on)!
    I also don’t like the thought of all these synthetic hormones running through my body, and honestly, have felt such a decrease in my…libido… 🙂 What is the point of being on the pill if I don’t even have the desire to…GET IT ON! I am married, but don’t want kids for another 5-6 years so it is pretty scary but I think it will be worth it. I have “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” sitting on my nightstand, waiting to be read. I’m so glad to hear your positive recommendation.

    • Fitnessista on November 20, 2009 at 10:25 am

      it really is an incredible book! you’ll love it
      haha and amen about the libido thing 😀

  49. K on November 20, 2009 at 9:10 am

    I’ve never been on the pill but I’ve heard people have had some wonky side effects. Glad you’re back to YOU – in Wizard of Oz color and all 😉

    Hope you had fun last night!!

  50. Megan @ Megzz Wins At Life on November 20, 2009 at 9:15 am

    I have been on and off the pill for 9 years..About 6 months ago I lost my medical and stopped taking it.. Over the past six months I have let my body take its course and finally feel like me!!

    My doctor wants me to go back on it I am not!

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