Daytime sweat sesh

Guess what?! I joined a gym yesterday. I’m so, so excited to have an option where I can go work out (and even take a class!) during the day. By time time the Pilot gets home at night, I do the bedtime rituals with Liv, make/prep dinner, blog and go to the gym, I’m pretty…

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Lemon-mint lentil salad

I have a not-so-secret for you: I love salads. They are so many possible ingredients, they’re super filling, and an easy way to get in fruit and veggie servings. I prefer making them at home because restaurant salads are often sad, small and wilty. With at-home salads, you can control how sweet/savory/iceberg lettuce-free and beastly…

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Meg: Be bold!

My closet has always been filled with black, white, and grey because I find these colors to be versatile and ultra flattering. I have never been very experimental with color, until recently. I’m taking baby steps toward boldifying my wardrobe. I dyed a white dress bright pink a couple weeks ago, and last week I…

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For the treadmill gold

My medal: a blanket of sweat.  Since it rained on my training run parade, I set out to do 5 miles on the revolving apparatus of death (aka treadmill) last night. Since I usually just do HIIT on the treadmill now, I don’t hate it quite like I used to (I just get so bored!),…

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Adventures in babyproofing

Houston, we have a climber. That’s Liv, practicing her latest tricks before settling in for a nap. It’s like the transition from sitting up, scooting/crawling, to pulling up and standing happened so quickly, and makes me very glad we decided to get babyproofing finished early.  Babyproofing is something I thought about a lot while pregnant…

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That’s a spicy ‘rita

Another amazing date night with that one good-looking guy I snagged over at Starbucks. We dined at Acacia, which is quickly becoming one of our favorite spots. They have a great mix of the things we love, fantastic drinks, and locally-sourced organic produce and meat, which is a bonus. Since our last Acacia dinner, I’ve…

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Becoming a yoga mommy

I like to think (hope?) that becoming a mom has made me more patient. Before, I had ants in my pants about 24/7. I HAAAAATED waiting in line (and would determine which line/cashier combo was the fastest within .2 seconds), had a mild case of road rage, and was always in a hurry. When Liv…

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Indian Spaghetti

Rainy night, Indian food on the couch = not too shabby. We made a little stop at Saffron to get takeout for dinner, and per usual, it was everything I could wish for. I’m so excited that we found an Indian restaurant in Tucson that we LOVE. Chicken tikka masala, dal mahkani and chicken vindaloo…

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7/27: Friday Faves

1) This was written in the locker room yesterday, and we laughed so hard. I had rushed to work and forgot to grab morning snacks (rookie mistake), so was planning on going home at 12 to get some food. After being threatened with death, I stayed for dance rehearsal and then came home to stuff…

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Got on my race face

Not many pics in the land of food for ya today.   Thank goodness I made a breakfast cookie so it would be ready- the whole house woke up at 7:45! I haven’t set an alarm in about 6 1/2 months for anything, knowing my little sidekick would get me up with pleeeeennnnty of time…

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July 26: Tabata Thursday

Hi friends! I’m in between classes right now, but wanted to get up this week’s Tabata Thursday video! We ALL have 4 minutes to spare- shake (or jump, muaha) those legs out and you’ll feel much better. For more info on Tabata training, check out this post. Some things to remember: -Always warm up and…

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