9.27 Friday Faves

September 27, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? We have a new baby in the family! I’m so so excited for Trevor and Danielle, and of course, can’t wait to get those baby meals going. Other than baby excitement, we have a lot going on this weekend. Liv is getting her solo choreography, P…

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Showers and Flowers

Hey guys! Hope you’ve had a wonderful and relaxing day <3 Congrats to those of you who were racing machines this morning! I did a race, too… in my sleep 😉 It’s glooooomy and pouring outside. A little sunshine… Flowers from the pilot <3 and a breakfast cookie! Today’s mix-ins were maca, cinnamon and goji…

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Shaun T. Envy

Hiiiii 😀 How’s your Saturday been? I’ve had a pretty awesome day with the puppers and pilot 🙂 We just got back from the dog park 😀 I love taking pictures of the pilot chasing the dogs around Little nuggets 😉 Earlier today, we hit up the gym- I did legs and cardio then came…

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We Have Life

Hey guys! It’s THE WEEKEND! What are you up to?? Remember those herbs we planted last week? We have LIIIIIIIFE! The dill is growing so quickly… And so is the RAINBOW CHARD! The future holds many bountiful salads 🙂 A blue jay has been munching out of the bird feeder while this sneaky squirrel keeps…

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Step into my office

Sup bloggies 🙂 How are ya?? Thank you so much for your lovely compliments on our girls night feast 😀 Step into my office… I parked my booty at Bizzle and got some work done this morning. While working on the computer, I sipped on Refresh tea and was serenaded by a random dude who…

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Tarts, Shrimp and Dirty Bananas

Hey guys! HAPPY FRIDAY! What are you up to this weekend?? I’m looking forward to getting some work done and hanging out with my pilot love 🙂 Last night’s girls night was a blasty: Riesling for the chef 😉 I had a small glass while I set the appetizers out and started cooking- I fiercely…

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