9.27 Friday Faves

September 27, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? We have a new baby in the family! I’m so so excited for Trevor and Danielle, and of course, can’t wait to get those baby meals going. Other than baby excitement, we have a lot going on this weekend. Liv is getting her solo choreography, P…

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Sup, Betty Crocker

Hey guys! How’s your day been? I have been a CLEANING MACHINE– lurve a sparkly casa 🙂 The puppers watched idly as I swiffered and dusted. (Haha see Viesa’s fried chicken basket toy?? She loves that thing) I also busted out the chef’s knives to get the rest of the prep work done for tonight,…

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*Almost* Like Riding a Bike

Hey everyone! Happy almost-Friday 🙂 How’s your morning been? After Zumba and abs last night (which were a blasty as usual) Jeni and I celebrated Indian Food Wednesday 🙂 (dal, channa masala, cabbage and gajar halwa– my new obsession) It was a two-plater kinda night 😉 With roti: Twas glorious 😀 This morning, I decided…

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Dad the Dentist

Hi guys! How’s your day been?? Mine has been bueno 🙂 Thank you so much for hitting up the Garlic Gold Sale– the deal is on! $21 for 2 packs of Garlic Gold. Pretty baller, since one little shaker is $5 at our Publix- with this, you get 8. Sale goes until tomorrow AM 😀…

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Flip Winner + Gahhhlicky Dinner

Hiiiii 🙂 Happy Indian Food Wednesday and happy Garlic Gifting Day (more on that in a sec) 😀 First things first: the winner of the Flip giveaway– thank you so much to those of you who entered!!! <3 (I used the pilot number generator and asked him to pick a number between 1 and 707)…

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Delicious Day

Hey everyone! Looks like ya’ll want a Flip cam! 😀 I love reading all of your comment entries– you guys have some hilarious, creative and awesome ideas. Especially the one about pulling Uncle Jesse from Full House out of the TV… Haha! Lurve. Keep those entries a-comin’ and I’ll announce the Flip winner in the…

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