9.27 Friday Faves

September 27, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? We have a new baby in the family! I’m so so excited for Trevor and Danielle, and of course, can’t wait to get those baby meals going. Other than baby excitement, we have a lot going on this weekend. Liv is getting her solo choreography, P…

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Golden Roons

Hey guys! It’s almost the freakin’ weekend! I’m glad.. how bout you? 😀 HOLY MACAROONS!!! Thank you guys so much for your generous bids for Angela’s Shop 4 a Cause and congrats to Erin E., the winner! I can’t believe they went for such a hefty amount –money to a truly excellent cause. I promise…

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Horchata in the Casa

Hey hey hey 😀 What’s up, bloggies? How are those Summer Shape Up workouts going? Anyone pleasantly sore from yesterday’s speed workout? Also, keep those bids coming on Angela’s Shop 4 a Cause! Ya’ll know when I say I’m sending macaroons that I’ll really throw something else in there, too, right? 😉 Maybe some cookies……

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Fill it with Millet

Hey guys! How are ya? Happy INDIAN FOOD Wednesday! Who’s celebrating?? You know I am 😉 Last night was pretty chill… unlike Glee, which was INTENSE. (I changed the channel from Biggest Loser to Glee…. Personal trainer, but I was a musical theatre nerd loooong before I got into fitness. Gotta stick to my roots,…

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Before and After

Heyyyyyy 😀 How are ya?? I’m bueno over here- today has been oozing of productivity (taxes done!!) and full of befores and afters. Before: After: Bella needed that haircut! To make her feel special too, Viesa got her nails trimmed and a paisley bandana 😉 Before: Bfast cookie! With chocolate chips, goji berries and maca…

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Kale Creeper

Hey everyone! Happy Tuesday! Here’s hoping today is a thousand times better than yesterday 🙂 It was so fun to hear your money-saving food tips and comforting to know that many of you spend a ton of money on food, too. The way I feel about it is that food is an investment in your…

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