9.27 Friday Faves

September 27, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? We have a new baby in the family! I’m so so excited for Trevor and Danielle, and of course, can’t wait to get those baby meals going. Other than baby excitement, we have a lot going on this weekend. Liv is getting her solo choreography, P…

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Island Veggin’

Sup lovely bloggies 😀 How’s your day?? Ours has been bueno – lots of island veggin’ going down. VEGgin: (That’s CURRY shrimp! Aka “Gina shrimp”) And veggin’ (See the pilot??) LOVING Freakonomics, btw. It’s fascinating and a really awesome read so far. Before our veg-sesh, we had a date with Shaun T. Even though it’s…

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Bahamian Wildlife

Hey guys! Happy Saturday! Hope you’re having a lovely weekend so far <3 We didn’t end up taking a kayak yesterday because it was too windy, but we did encounter quite a bit of Bahamian wildlife. Lots of lizards! A seagull, that kept jumping into the pool to bathe and cool off A kitty, who…

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Guest Post: Recipe from Brittany

Hey everyone! I’m Brittany, the lady behind Eating Bird Food, the place where I blog about what I eat, recipes, yoga, running and all that jazz. I’ve maintained a healthy weight loss of over 20 lbs for 6 years and I’ve been blogging for a little over 2. I like sharing my experience and hope…

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No Problem

Hi guys 😀 HAPPY FRIDAY! What are ya’ll up to this weekend?? Your comments on last night’s post were awesome as usual- I love reading about different eating styles. How we choose to fuel ourselves is a very personal decision and we gotta do what works best for us 🙂 Yesterday was fueled with a…

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Stowaway Vita

Hey guys! Happy almost-Friday! Hope you’re having a great day so far <3 I can’t believe how many of ya’ll were shocked/wondering if I brought my Vitamix with me to the Bahamas… well… Heck ya I did 🙂 This girl likes her smoothies wayyyyy too much to leave the beloved Vitamixalicious at home 😉 The…

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