9.27 Friday Faves

September 27, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? We have a new baby in the family! I’m so so excited for Trevor and Danielle, and of course, can’t wait to get those baby meals going. Other than baby excitement, we have a lot going on this weekend. Liv is getting her solo choreography, P…

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Happy Ticker

Hey everyone! Hope you’ve had a great day <3 (Bella is overdue for a haircut- she’s such a fluffball. When she’s fluffy like this, she gets a sassy and defiant attitude) I loved reading about your Cinco plans and favorite cereals and thank you for the well-wishes for the heart ultrasound! It went well, didn’t…

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Feliz Cinco de Mayo

Hey everyone! Happy Indian Food Wednesday, which also happens to fall on Cinco de Mayo 🙂 So Indian or Mexican cuisine it is.. unless you want to create an Indian-Mexican hybrid dish (and send me a picture!) 😀 I’ll be having vegetarian fajitas and a margarita after Zumba. Ashley and I just finished Insanity (which…

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Impulse Buyer

Hey everyone! How’s your day going? Mine has been pretty good- it’s RAINY today! I lurve it 🙂 I especially lurve it because I haven’t watered my herbs since last fall and magically some are still alive- I’m going to re-plant after our tropical vacay. Thank you for all of the vacation tips! This afternoon,…

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Indian Food Monday

Hi guys! Happy Tuesday! I’m so happy ya’ll liked the perfect protein pancake recipe 🙂 Please let me know what you think if you try it! I just had some Banana Split Perfect Protein Pancakes 😀 While the first side was cooking, I added vegan chocolate chips and sliced strawberries and served them with sliced…

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The Perfect Protein Pancake

Hey everyone! How’s your Monday been? I loved reading your responses on whether you thought it was healthy for anger to motivate workouts. As always, ya’ll had some incredible points and I think almost all of us agree that while it is a healthy way to get out emotions, not all workouts should be powered…

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