Homemade peanut butter protein bars

September 26, 2024

Sharing a super delicious and healthy homemade peanut butter protein bars recipe! Perfect for meal prep and grab-and-go snacks. Plus, they’re gluten-free and dairy-free. Hey! How are you? I hope you are having a great week! With so much going on around here, this week seems to be flying by. Between work and things with…

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Poolside naan

Heyyyyy 😀 Hope you’re having a wonderful Saturday so far!!! You didn’t think I could go more than a week without Indian food, right??? Well, last night I got my fix 😀 We got it to-go (toga with an “o”) and ate it out by the pool. Baigan Bhartha (spicy!) Whole wheat naan: I live…

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Queen of the salad beasts

Hey everyone!! It’s FRIDAY!!! Finally, huh?? Is it just me or did this past week last forever?? I’m totally looking forward to some chill time with the pilot and puppers 😀 Last night, my meals were a little hodge podge, but I did make the queen of all salad beasts: Spinach, greens, 1/2 avocado, cucumber,…

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My trainer the zombie

Hey guys! How are ya??? THE WEEKEND IS IN SIGHT! Bring iiiiiiiiiit 😀 Last night was such a blasty but I’m definitely feeling the effects of this: The girls came over when I got home from teaching spin and Zumba. There were 6 of us but at least we didn’t each drink our own bottle…

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Betty Crocker it up

Hey! Happy humpday!! Hope you’re all doing well 😀 I’ve been much less of a klutz today, which has been bueno, and didn’t have appointments at the gym, so I split up my day between making foodie for tonight and lounging poolside. Lovely balance of work and play 😉 I had a green juice of…

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Summer Shape Up Week 7

Hey everyone! Hope you’re having a great day <3 I definitely am, even though I’m back in Valdizzy. Thank you so much for the sweet Blogiversary wishes!!! It’s be a super fun year 😀 I can’t believe that I forgot to mention my decision to become a quasitarian in the re-cap post. I guess I’ve…

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