Journaling prompts to use this fall

September 25, 2024

Sharing some journaling prompts you can use as we wrap up the last portion of the year.ย  Hiiii friends! Happy Wednesday! What do you have going on this week? My newest baby niece will be born this week and I can’t wait! Iโ€™m excited to put some baby meals together ๐Ÿ™‚ Today, I wanted to…

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The Big Manzana Part 1

Hey everyone! TGIAF! Any big plans for the weekend? By the time this posts, we should be getting into shenanigans in NY with Megan and her pilot ๐Ÿ˜€ Right now, Iโ€™m doing a little sky blogging: After the hectic night, we got into Hotlanta pretty late and crashed out. Iโ€™m glad I didnโ€™t end up…

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Summer Shape up: WEEK 3

Hey everyone! Happy Monday (if such a thing exists?) ๐Ÿ˜€ Sorry I was MIA yesterday! The pilot and I got a TON done around the casa (since weโ€™ve only been home 2 weekends since heโ€™s been back from the desert) but before I get into the re-cap, hereโ€™s WEEK 3 of the SUMMER SHAPE UP!…

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Summer Shape Up: WEEK 2

Hey everyone! Congrats to all of the Summer Shape Up girls who finished the first week- you all are doing an AMAZING job and I love watching everyoneโ€™s progress on the spreadsheet. *If youโ€™re keeping track of your own progress, drop me an email if you get all 3 points for the day so I…

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Itโ€™s go time, baby

Hey guys! HOORAY FOR THE WEEKEND!!! Any plans?? We leaving for Orlando this afternoon and Iโ€™m way excited! Familia, oven yoga, Whole Foods, possibly Disney, my cousinโ€™s dance competition, civilizationโ€ฆ ahh I canโ€™t wait! ๐Ÿ˜€ So before I keep you waiting, itโ€™s time to announce the winner of the Stonyfield Giveaway!!! In order to determine…

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Green chile egg casserole

Hey everyone!!! Hope you had a great weekend and/or Easter/Passover ๐Ÿ˜‰ Viesa rocked the bunny ears: I had such a nice day relaxing with the pilot. Weโ€™ve been gone so much over the weekends that we havenโ€™t had a lot of chill time around the casa, so it was pretty amazing to just hang out…

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