“Mom, there’s a cat. Don’t sneeze, ok?”
“Olivia, come here!”
“My name is not Olivia. It’s seawater fish. I’m a cat unicorn. And a cat mermaid. And a cat fairy. I transform into three things.”
“Why are you wearing old pants?”
“They’re distressed; I bought them like this.”
“Why do they have holes in them?”
“I don’t know. They’re cool?”
“I don’t really think so.”
“Dad, you have two chins.”
“Yeah, one chin here, and one chin here.”
“Livi, that’s cold-blooded.”
More Livi-isms here, here, here, here and here.
lol this is too good. Kids are so much smarter than we even realize
I’m with Livi on distressed jeans 😛
YOU KNOW THESE ARE MY FAVS!!!! And omg, Gina. It’s so crazy how much I can see you in that pic of her!!!!!!!!! <3 I love it! She's one lucky girl 😉
thank you so much, friend
Ha! That last one!
Oh that kid!!!!!!! the last one is ohhh ouch! hahahaha!
hahahah. we laughed pretty hard at that one
Ha!! Livi-isms are my favorite. Too funny.
mine too! so happy you enjoy them, too!
thank you! she is so funny
She makes me want kids! Lol
Ahahahaha! I love the brutal honesty!