[New program] Healing Code

March 3, 2025

Sharing the details for my newest program, Healing Code, and how you can join.  Hi friends! Happy Monday! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. Ours was a great one – Liv had a dance competition, I taught barre, and we met up with friends for dinner last night. Today I have some exciting…

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Friday Faves

*This was supposed to go live on Friday but didn’t for some reason, so I’m posting it now!* Hi friends! Happy Friday and hellooooooo from San Diego. I’m here with the crew for a little weekend vacation. Liv is dancing in the Disneyland parade and the Pilot had to work, so it’s a girls’ trip.…

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130: all about parasites with Biohacking Bombshell, Allyssa LaScala

Hi friends! I’ve got a new podcast episode up for you and it’s a BEEFY one 🙂 Today we’re chatting parasites with Allyssa LaScala. I feel like this is a huge topic, and I’ve learned that sometimes it can be a little controversial or something people here in the US don’t really discuss. So I…

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WAIW (a full day of eats)

WAIW (a full day of eats)

Hi friends! How’s the week going so far? I’m so happy ya’ll enjoyed the home office post. I’m super happy with my walking pad and am on it while I write up this blog post. For today’s post, I thought I’d do another round of eats from start to finish especially since I’ve really been…

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Friday Faves

I can’t wait to try the Jennifer Aniston salad. Success! Check your email for a free 30-day meal and fitness cheat sheet There was an error submitting your subscription. Please try again. Email Address Subscribe

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My WFH (work from home) setup

Sharing the details on my work from home office setup, plus my experience with using a walking pad. Hellooooo! How are ya and how’s the morning going so far? We’re back into real life after our little trip and it felt good to have a few days of normalcy. I’m so sick of restaurant and…

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