Summer Shape Up 2014 Week 3 Workout
Week 3! You’re halfway through the challenge… finish strong!
Here’s what the schedule looks like for the third week. Feel free to adjust and shuffle according to your unique needs and preferences.
10 minutes steady: if you are on a cardio machine, increase your incline 3% over your usual incline. If you’re running outside, maintain a faster steady state pace. It’s only 10 minutes; you can do it!
Steady state: take a class, go for a long run, walk, dance, spin, your choice! Aim for 45 minutes to an hour.
10 minutes HIIT: 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off x 10 rounds
Flexibility day: Yoga, Pilates, a long stretch or date with the foam roller
15 minutes steady: maintain a faster speed (more like a race pace or push speed) for this one!
Your Week 3 Workout is a liiiitle different than the previous two. Three fun words for ya: burpee buy in. 😉 Before starting this workout, you’ll warm up with moderate cardio (5-7 minutes). Then you’ll do your burpee buy in (25!). Next, set a timer for 25 minutes and blast through as many rounds of the circuit as you can in that 25 minutes. Follow with your 3 minute plank and any optional cardio (you can use the schedule above if you’d like).
1) Dumbbell swing. Make sure to use a challenging weight, and hold onto it for dear life 😉 The movement for this comes from your core and glutes, NOT your arm. Power through your hips (“snap” your hips underneath you) and stop with the dumbbell at shoulder height. Kettlebell swings are a great option, too. If this doesn’t work for your shoulders, substitute another strength move that works for you that will increase your heart rate (jumping lunges or squat jumps are an idea).
2) Overhead press. Start with your arms at 90 degree angles and exhale to press them up overhead. Avoid clanking the weights together at the top. With control, lower back down to start.
3) Weighted squat. Hold a kettlebell or heavy dumbbell at your chest. Weight is in your heels, core is tight and chest is lifted. Think about sitting down on an imaginary chair behind you. Squeeze to come back up. Want an extra challenge: try some split squats with one leg on a bench or stability ball behind you.
4) Plank jack. Start in a plank position with arms mat-width or a little wider. Jack your feet out as you lower your chest into a pushup position. Jump back to start. You can also walk your feet out and then pushup for a low-imact modification, or do regular pushups.
5) Tricep dips. Keep lifted through your hips and chest, and make sure your fingertips are facing forwards towards your toes. Bend your elbows back as you come into your dip, exhale to straighten. For extra challenge, lift one leg up. You can also do overhead tricep extensions instead.
6) .25 mile sprint/run/walk OR 500m row. Challenge yourself!
You should be nice and sweaty after this one 🙂 Be sure to check in with your workouts on the giveaway page (<—click here to enter. This link will be live Monday am) on Instagram and Twitter (#summershapeup @fitnessista @fannetasticfood). Here is your week 3 meal plan. Everything you need for Summer Shape Up is on the intro page, too!
Sending you love and wishes for an awesome Week 3!
20 min of HIIT and bodycombat!
Rest day today:)
The 4th, my workout was a 6-mile run-gym closed!
I switched up sat and sun cuz Sunday is my regular rest day. I did 5 rounds of wo#3 again followed by a 3 minute plank. Looking forward to my rest day 🙂
Took a nice rest day yesterday and amped up this morning with 4 rounds of WO3. Added Gina’s quick strength blitz (minus the leg portion). Topped off with 15 min on the elliptical. Can’t wait for next week’s lineup!
Stretching it out today.
Some steady state after a long night
Yooooooga today. It was fantastic. My back was feeling tight and now it is stretched out and feeling relaxed.
Yesterday was HIIT and some round ball with the hubs–and I won! Today will be a strength and cardio combo before a family picnic.
Workout 3 + 15 min HIIT today!
12 mile run today!
Saturday – 2 mile run. Lots of walking and Pilates.
Last rest day then off work for two days! Excited to see what you have in store for week 4:)
Forgot to check in last couple days Friday was my flexible day and I did 1 hour run/walk. Yesterday was a rest day 😉
Completed 4 rounds of WO3 and now a Zumba class! Bye bye WO3!!
forgot to check in yesterday – intervals with rowing, quick strength workout. today we’re off to hike!
Workout 3 and bike, sad spin class was cancelled this morning was going to go for HIIT, some paddle boarding later too!
Off day today!
Workout 3 (5 and a half rounds) yesterday. I’ve been short on time this week so I haven’t done the post-workout steady state, but I did do an extra day of steady state with sprints, so let’s say I made up for it. 🙂 So sore today after Wkout 3!
Jessica Smith cardio fusion. Summer shape up week 3 and Erin Motz yoga done. Workout 3 has been my favorite so far. Thanks for the butt kicking Gina.
Today is a rest day for me… I did a yoga podcast to stretch 🙂
I did some quick but sweaty tabata rounds this morning – looking forward to kicking this last week’s butt! 😉
Did wo3. Feeling good! Ready for week 4!
Rest day today is bliss! My quads and hip flexors are toast.
I must say that workout 3 has been my favorite so far! Today was an active rest day: shot some hoops and took the pup for a walk.
I did 20 minutes steady state on the elliptical followed by 5 rounds of workout 3 minus the last cardio set!
5 rounds of wo#3 with h 10 minutes hiit. Yesterday was a rest day, but we walked a gajillion miles looking for furniture. Ha. OK maybe not a gajillion miles……
24 mile bike ride to take advantage of the beautiful weather.
Week 1 steady state (40 mins kickboxing) done! Foam rolling now 🙂
Got in a relaxing 45-min bike ride with the dogs. Legs feel much better now!
3 rounds WO3 and 2 min plank
A nice relaxed walk today! Had a headache and so I took it easy.
FInished week 3 with a vinyasa yoga class!
Hiked all around Yosemite all weekend long for the 4th of July. Today was workout 3: 3 solid rounds of excruciating pain and now a walk with my husband. Here’s to another great week!
Did workout 3 this morning and an easy walk with the dog this evening. Ready to rock week 4!
Four rounds of WO 4 today and 10 minutes running! Really wanted to stop after 3 rounds, but pushed myself to finish the 4th!
5 mi forth of July race!
Took my rest day yesterday since I was traveling all day. Will check out workout #4 after work tonight, should be a doozy!
[…] do something total body with strength training and cardio, so I got my sweat on with Gina’s Week 3 Workout of her Summer Shape Up program…which is pretty awesome by the way, and always […]