Summer Shape Up 2016 Intro giveaway
Let’s get this party started, shall we??
Here are the prizes that are up for grabs:
A bag of vegan chocolate Shakeology
Nourishing Rosewater Mist (THE BEST)
Whatever other random goodies I add in there. ๐
The total prize is valued at about $400.
Hereโs how to enter:
-Leave a comment BELOW with your goal for the next 4 weeks!
-Forward the email newsletter you received to at least 1 friend, and leave an extra comment to let me know
-Follow me on Instagram, and leave an extra comment below
This is a fast giveaway. I’ll pick the lucky winner Thursday night and announce in Friday morning’s email newsletter, along with your info to get started for week 1 of the Shape Up.
So excited for SSU 2016!
I’ve followed you on Instagram for a long time! ๐
I’m already following you on IG and I forwarded the email.
My goal however is to regain some lost energy that went missing after falling off the clean eating bandwagon. Losing some pounds would be fairly appreciated as well but mostly yearning for that energy and glow! Bring it!
My goal is to gain strength! Workouts have been sub-par since having my little one<3
I forwarded the newsletter to my workout buddy, Olivia ๐
Forwarded to my sister to join in on the fun!
I want to eat healthy choices and get in my workouts!
My goal is to get stronger, leaner, and faster for my upcoming relay race in August!
My goal is to clean up my eating, and stay consistent with my workouts.
Following on Instagram as shine_ga
I follow you on Insta!
I’ve been dealing with an injury for the 6+ weeks so I’m looking forward to using the shape up as a way to kick-start myself back into my usual level of strength training!
Following on instagram!
My goal is to stick with the eating plan!
Following on instagram-charlottebrown535
I forwarded to my friend!
My goal is to commit to at least 4 days of exercise a week for the next 4 weeks. I am slowly building back up strength and endurance after being sidelined (injury!) for 8 weeks! I know you just went through it, too ๐ slowly building back up!
Turn around the celebration eating spiral, return to regular gym attendance, forward this to workout partner who has also had tooooo muuuuch suuummer fuuun…
I also follow you on Instagram ๐
My goal is to get back on track. The timing is perfect: I just returned from my vacation where unsurprisingly I gained a bit of weight due to the “vacation” mentality. No regrets but now I want to get my act together and build a workout routine and return to healthy eating!
My goal is to simply get back on track. I’ve gotten away from good habits and really need this to get me back in gear. Thank you!
I follow on instagram!
I’m a loyal follower on Instagram and bloglovin!
My goal is to add more definitions in my arms!
My goal is to get back into a workout habit, to help work on my depression.
My goal for the next 4 weeks is to significantly reduce my sugar intake. And make sure I don’t hit snooze in the mornings so I can get my workout done early each day!
I forwarded the email to my friend.
My goal for the next 4 weeks is to finally figure out the best schedule to fit in fitness after a new baby yet still get in a GOOD workout. I need that time to clear my head and handle the emotions that come with parenthood.
I’ve been following you on instagram for awhile ๐
My goal is to steadily maintain/gain weight throughout my pregnancy, by modifying workouts and eating right!
I forwarded this to my mama! Your workouts are so easy to modify and a great way for her to get back into a routine.
I forwarded the email to two friends, to try to get them excited to do Summer Shape Up with me!
I also forwarded along to my ‘workout motivators’.. We love doing these shape ups together!
Forwarded the newsletter!
I forwarded your email and already follow you on Instagram!
My goal is just to be consistent. I want to consistently workout (4-5 days) and stick to the 80/20 rule. Nothing crazy or unattainable just consistent!
Forward to a friend!
My goal for the 4 weeks: a) complete the 4 weeks and b) get a friend or co-worker to join me in SSU!
I would like to increase my strength and lose a few pounds that have been hanging around my waistline!!
I forwarded the newsletter to my entire department! And my sister : )
I forwarded the email. ๐
And I follow you on Instagram : )
I have a toddler and an infant and my tummy is looking a little flabby. I want to tone my abs and also find ways to be active with my kids.
I can’t wait to start! I had a baby 5 months ago, so time to work it!
Woohoo, Shape Up is back!!!
One of my goals for the next 4 weeks is to tone up and feel better about myself in general.
I forwarded the email!
I follow you on Instagram!
I want to actually complete the four weeks even though it is really hot in northern Italy and we have VBS coming up!! I know I can do this!!! I also forwarded this to my daughter.
Also follow on Instagram ๐
My goal is just to stay consistent with eating well and working out since summer has been kind of slacking so far!
Emailed to a friend ๐