Green Glowing Juice

Hi friends! Hope you’re having a great day. Today I have a refreshing green juice recipe for you! I’m loving all of the Winter Shape Up check-ins!! Be sure to check in on the Workout 1 post every day this week with your workout and how you feel. I’ll pick the first round of giveaway…

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Gingerbread Amazeballs

‘Tis the season for giving, for memories, for making our yard look like a light explosion, for mugs of candy cane green tea while watching “Four Christmases” for holiday-ifying all of my favorite recipesโ€ฆ. The gingerbread amazeball had to happen ๐Ÿ˜‰ Sometimes it’s fun to stick with the usual snack standbys: -egg burritos -salad beast…

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Grain-Free Peppermint Brownies

Last night, we braved the cold (ok, Tucson cold, but still) to head up to Mt. Lemmon for our family photos. The chill was just the perfect weather to enjoy the peppermint brownies I have for you today. Perfect for a wintery dessert after being out in the cold! I think our photographerย Jacquelynn got some…

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Clean eating sweet potato casserole

Here’s theย sweet potato casserole you need at your Thanksgiving table. Livi and I were planning on going to squadron Thanksgiving on Friday afternoon. She ended up being awake all night Thursday night -teething is the worst- so after playing with friends Friday morning, we came home for naptime. Since she didn’t sleep well the night…

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Clean Eating Cranberry Sauce

Begin the avalanche of clean Thanksgiving recipes. And memories of that one time I thought I’d eat a bowl of fresh cranberries like a fruit salad. Don’t ever do that. Aren’t they pretty? While I definitely think there’s a time and place for splurging and saving, Thanksgiving is high on the live-it-up factor. I look…

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Homemade enchilada sauce

Enchiladas are the beautiful type of meal that is hard to mess up. This is why they’re a gem for cooking newbies; just wrap something in a tortilla, cover it with sauce and cheese, and bake it. It will be delicious. It’s kind of like a stir fry: you add whatever you want, and somehow,…

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Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

Hi friends! Happy Monday! How’s your morning going? I’ve got a yummy and healthy fall recipe for you below–pumpkin chocolate chip muffins! But first, I’m excited to share about last night. Sasha and I had a crazyawesome Soli Beat event last night at lululemon La Encantada. We’re friends with their amazing staff, and they reached…

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Chocolate orange goji berry clusters

I’ve been bit by some ravenous holiday beast. It’s even more intense than usual, and I’m so excited to start decking the halls. The Pilot keeps catching me trying to sneak Christmas decorations in from the garage.  Along with the normal holiday excitement and preparation, we’ve also gotten into our longtime marital dispute: real Christmas…

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Warm Tempeh Salad with Mustard Vinaigrette

Hi friends! How’s your morning going? Thank you so much to those of you have entered the giveaway (now over). Today I have a tempeh recipe that even the Pilot enjoyed! It’s a delicious warm tempeh salad with mustard vinaigrette. Scroll down for the recipe! Bella has been itching to do something fun – I can…

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Peanut butter and jelly crumble

 Hi friends! Happy Monday! Anything exciting going on this week? Anyone recovering from a weekend race? The Pilot ran 18 miles yesterday. 18!! That’s 5 more than I will ever run, and I can say that with full confidence. Even though I have to admit I had a little bit of running jealousy, I’m still…

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Pumpkin Cranberry Energy Bars

Best cure for a case of the Moan-days? A trip to the park to feed the ducks ๐Ÿ™‚ Even better with pumpkin cranberry energy bars for a snack (recipe below!). I headed to the gym early this morning to get in a water treadmill run for the first time. Per an awesome suggestion, I wrapped…

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Vitamin C smoothie

Hi friends! I’m off to Boston this morning for a fun Reebok event. This post was supposed to go up much earlier, but as I was about to upload, we had a bit of a… situation. One of the engines in the plane malfunctioned and we made an emergency landing in Dallas. It was the…

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