11.22 Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! How was the week? I hope you had an amazing one! Whatโ€™s going on this weekend? Iโ€™m looking forward to decorating for Christmas, a girlsโ€™ night, and a family hike. Weโ€™re also headed to see Wicked today. Have you seen it yet?! My week started off the best possible way because…

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11.15 Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! How was the week? I hope you had a wonderful one. Ours kind of a blur. P went down with the nasty bug right after Liv, so weโ€™ve been home while theyโ€™ve rested and recovered. Iโ€™ve made lots of soup, refilled water bottles and humidifiers frequently, snuggled and watched many movies,…

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11.8 Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! How was the week? I hope you had a wonderful one. After all of the excitment of the past few weeks, poor Liv is sick so weโ€™re here chilling and taking it easy. Iโ€™m looking to a low-key weekend ahead, tackling laundry mountain and chores after our trips, and teaching a…

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Christmas Brunch and Dinner Recipes

Sharing some ideas for Christmas brunch and dinner recipes. This year is flying back at warp speed, and I’m trying to do everything in my power to avoid the last-minute scramble. I started Christmas shopping early – I feel like it’s less of a hit on the budget when you space things out, too! –…

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11.1 Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! How was Halloween? We got back home just in time to celebrate. The fam came over, I made some tacos, and we trick-or-treated around the neighborhood. It was low key and lovely; the perfect celebration after a whirlwind of Orlando adventures. (On our cruise, 9 of us were Wizard of Oz…

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10.25 Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? Weโ€™re heading out on a Disney cruise with the crew! Iโ€™ll definitely report back with the adventures but weโ€™re going straight from Orlando fun to the cruise ship. This is Disney cruise #5 (our last one is here) and weโ€™re definitely not stopping anytime…

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Crunch time + last-minute Thanksgiving recipe ideas

Hi friends! How are you? I hope youโ€™re enjoying the morning. With Thanksgiving inching closer, I’m beginning to look forward to enjoying a couple of days with the family, eating pie, and planning our Black Friday plan of attack. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Iโ€™m also looking forward to the Thanksgiving turkey burn Peloton ride! Before I get into…

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9.27 Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Whatโ€™s going on this weekend? We have a new baby in the family! Iโ€™m so so excited for Trevor and Danielle, and of course, canโ€™t wait to get those baby meals going. Other than baby excitement, we have a lot going on this weekend. Liv is getting her solo choreography, P…

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9.13 Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Whatโ€™s going on this weekend? P has some basketball games and then the girls and I are off to Phoenix for dance. (The Pilot has a huge work event so thatโ€™s his life lately.) Itโ€™s going to be a busy one, but I really look forward to the weekends and love…

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9.7 Friday Faves (and a giveaway)

Hi friends! I hope youโ€™re having a wonderful weekend! Iโ€™m popping in with a little belated Friday Faves this week. Some happy news: Maisey is 100% better! (I shared more about her mysterious jaw issue in this post) We saw enormous improvement by Monday, and thankfully, sheโ€™s back to her ball-chasing, happy little self. I…

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8.31 Friday Faves and Labor Day finds

Hi friends! Happy long weekend to ya! Iโ€™m posting Friday Faves on a Saturday because itโ€™s.been.a.week. (Actually a few weeks!) The Pilot finished up three weeks of night flying, so itโ€™s been a lot of solo parenting around here since the girls started school. Earlier the week, I noticed that Maiseyโ€™s mouth looked weird. She…

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8.23 Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Whatโ€™s going on this weekend? We have the usual basketball and dance scramble, and weโ€™re meeting up with my dad and stepmom for dinner, and hanging out with friends on Sunday. I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead. Itโ€™s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I…

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