Side Crow Pose in Yoga

March 13, 2025

Sharing tips on how to get a good side crow pose! ย  Hi friends! How are you? I hope youโ€™re enjoying the morning so far! Iโ€™m getting in a quick workout and then getting to work here. I’ve got a lot to do! For today, letโ€™s talk about yoga things. Yoga has been something that…

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065: Walking for fitness and movement longevity with Katy Bowman and Jill Miller

You guyyyyyyys. This is my podcast fan girl moment. When I first started scheming the idea of creating a podcast, Katy Bowman was at the top of my mental interview dream sheet. Iโ€™d recently found her work with everything I experienced with Diastasis Recti and was a huge fan. Iโ€™d read two of her books,…

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Foam Rolling Benefits + a 10-minute video

Sharing some of my favorite foam rolling exercises for self-myofascial release and relaxation. These also make great pre- or post-workout options to potentially help with mobility and recovery. Check out the full video below! Letโ€™s be super honest here. How many of us actually foam roll on a regular basis? I have to admit that…

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luminary nights at the tucson botanical gardens

Around the weekend, stocking stuffers and last-min gift ideas

Hi friends! Happy Monday! How was the weekend? Ours was a good one – the Pilot was home for longer than two days, so Iโ€™ll call it a win haha. Friday night has turned into Game Night at our house, so we played many hilarious rounds of Old Maid with the girls. (PS I got…

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Friday Faves

Hi friends! How are you? Happy Friday! I hope youโ€™ve had a great week. It rained all day yesterday which was such a wonderful Tucson treat. It felt cozy and wintery, which was magnified by all of our Christmas decorations. Can we just keep the house decorated all year? And have an enormous piney tree…

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063: Reverse dieting and health tips with Tina Haupert from Carrots 'n' Cake

064: Reverse dieting and health tips with Tina Haupert from Carrots ‘n’ Cake

Hi friends! Happy Thursday! I hope youโ€™re having a wonderful day. I have a new podcast episode up this morning with my friend Tina Haupert. This was a lot of fun to record and I hope you enjoy this one! 064: Reverse dieting and health tips with Tina Haupert from Carrots ‘n’ Cake We chat…

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