3.14 Friday Faves

March 14, 2025

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? It’s been a rough few weeks around here. Everyone is healthy (thank goodness) but we’re going through a bit of a rough patch. I can probably share more when we’re on the other side, but we’re *in it* right now. Something that has brought me joy:…

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fall 2020 capsule wardrobe. fitnessista.com

Fall 2020 Capsule Wardrobe

Sharing my ideas for a fall 2020 capsule wardrobe; classic pieces you can wear the entire season and mix and match!  Hi friends! I hope you’re enjoying the morning so far. I’ve got a doctor’s appointment this am and am looking forward to heading to the pool with the kiddos once Liv finishes her online…

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How to track your cycle and how to adjust workout intensity throughout the month

Sharing tips on how I learned to track my cycle and how to adjust your workouts throughout the month. Hi friends. Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We celebrated two friends’ bdays and I babysat our friend’s two kiddos, including a 5-month old. We got rid of a lot of our baby…

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Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope that you’re having a wonderful week. It’s been a busy but good one over year. The Pilot was gone this week, so the girls and I did the usual distance learning routine, with trips to the park and the pool to break things up, and eat squashes and gourds…

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Your Fall Fitness Plan

A full fall fitness plan featuring lots of workouts you can do at home.  Hi friends! I hope you’re having a wonderful day. It’s been a bit of a crazy week, so I wanted to re-share this post which has tons of new ideas for your fall fitness plans. I can’t believe the first day…

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7 things I’ve learned from the past 7 months

Hi friends! I hope you’re having a lovely morning. I’ve been cranking away on a post about tracking your cycle and how to adjust workout intensity throughout the month, and it’s taking me a bit longer than expected. Stay tuned for that one later this week. This week has been a good one so far.…

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