What type of cardio to do after strength training

February 27, 2025

Hey hey hey! Howโ€™s your day going?? It’s been a wild week over here but all is well. For todayโ€™s post, I wanted to talk about cardio dilemmas, and what type of cardio to do after weight training sessions. I feel like thereโ€™s a lot of confusion about this, and one of the things that…

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Oh hey, fall

I don’t know what’s happening here in Tucson, but it can stay. Lately, it’s been perfectly cool and cloudy. So gorgeous that Miss Bell has been walked every single day. I look forward to our evening walks with the fam, but when it’s too hot, it’s less likely to happen. (Babywearing is hot) ย Also in…

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Apple Pear Ginger Saketini Recipe

Let’s have a cocktail, shall we? The last time I had a dinner party at the house, I was pregnant so didn’t get to partake in the libations. Now, girls’ nights are when the hubbies watch the babies and my friends and I will enjoy a cocktail together at a lounge or restaurant. When we…

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9/7: Friday Faves + Your Pics

-Rose, in the form of my all-time favorite teaย  (Tulsi sweet rose- try it, you’ll love it) and this little bracelet from H&M- $6! ย  -Girls’ night. I took two of the lovely ladies in my life (madre and nana!) and also met up with some girls from work to see our friend Susan perform…

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Meg: What’s in my bag?

I spent my last day off this week cleaning up my embarrassingly messy room. In the process, I realized I had three different handbags full ofโ€ฆjunk. I decided it was time to dump the junk and get organized! I think the easiest way to stay clutter free is to limit how often you switch handbags.…

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Red-faced and Tabata Thursday

The Pilot is responsible for the sudden overpopulation of turtle doves in Tucson. Ever since he built the bird condo, we’ve had mama birds rotating in and out, and a constant outflow of sweet baby birds. Liv and I love to look at them when we take Bell outside in the morning. Bird house 4…

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