things I had to learn the hard way about health and wellness

September 19, 2024

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the week going? I hope that youโ€™re having an amazing week. Itโ€™s been wild around here as usual, working during the day and chasing the kids around in the afternoons and evenings. I feel like summer was so peaceful and that the school year is pure chaos. Iโ€™m still trying to figure…

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Garbage disposal city

Hi everyone! Happy Indian Food Day! I can taste the roti nowโ€ฆ. Just have to get through two more aerobics classes until itโ€™s feast time ๐Ÿ˜‰ Howโ€™s your day going?? Any big plans this weekend? Itโ€™s TAX FREE WEEKEND in Georgia and military also get 30% off at Gap, Old Navy and Banana. I see…

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โ€œI donโ€™t like them Pokemon thingsโ€

Hey everyone! How are ya?? I loved reading about your grocery staples– I saw some new items in there that Iโ€™m gonna be on the lookout for ๐Ÿ˜‰ This afternoon, I decided to whip up some hummus using the standard recipe: And made a sandwich to munch after spin while driving to my training appointment:…

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Miso stuffed!

I couldnโ€™t help myself with the title ๐Ÿ˜‰ Howโ€™s your day going?? Mine has been bueno so far. I started out a little bummed because my smoking client called and canceled on me today :/ Iโ€™ve lost 2 clients in the past week! Itโ€™s hard not to take it personally, as I know other things…

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Time to miscombine

Hey everyone! Howโ€™s your night going? Mine has been glorious because I got to come home an hour earlier than anticipated. The reason is kind of a bummer because one of my clients is moving and I wonโ€™t be training her anymore :/ But anywhooโ€ฆ I LOVED reading your comments about whether your sig other…

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A new racing buddy

Hey everyone! Thanks so much for the sweet comments on the Summer Shape Up re-cap – congats again to the winners and participants! *****Iโ€™ve gotten a few comments/emails asking if I would put all of the workouts into one post so theyโ€™re easier to findโ€”Iโ€™ll be working on that for ya this week ๐Ÿ˜€ Since…

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