February 2025 Reads

March 12, 2025

A roundup of the books I read in February and if Iโ€™d recommend adding them to your collection. Hi friends! How are you? I hope that youโ€™re enjoying the week so far! Iโ€™m teaching a barre class today and looking forward to a juice date with a friend. For todayโ€™s post, Iโ€™m sharing a roundup…

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Crabby high five

Hey guys! We had a seafood FEAST in our casa last night ๐Ÿ˜€ The pilot and I picked up a ton of seafood at Publix yesterday and decided to do lobster, shrimp and crab legs on the grill. I made some veggie packs with zucchini, squash, onions, tomatoes, eggplant, asparagus, olive oil, sea salt, pepper…

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Brain freeze, food baby and a buzz

Hey guys! Howโ€™s your weekend going? Mine has been GLORIOUS!! Thank goodness weโ€™re done with all that party stuff. It felt sooooo nice to chillax it up. Before I get on with the blog, I just have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAYโ€ฆ.   (Image from here) TO MY NANA!!! She is a faithful blog reader and…

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Cake on a lid plate

Hey guys! Happy Saturday! Hope youโ€™re having a wonderful weekend! Has anyone seen the new Harry Potter yet?? I really want to see it but Iโ€™m ashamed to admit that I havenโ€™t read the book yetโ€ฆ. I read the first four but couldnโ€™t get past the fifth one (even though I own it!) so Iโ€™m…

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Iโ€™ve got a lot of cake to eat

15 Bundt cakes!! All for the party tonight. Megan and I were scoping them out last night while drinking our vino but we were good ๐Ÿ˜‰ We also have our counter littered with candle holders for the tables.. glass mirror plates, hurricanes and glass bowls Theyโ€™re everywhere! Good thing it will all be GONE and…

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I smell bacon

Hey everyone! Itโ€™s almost the WEEKEND!!! Thank goodness, ehh? Is it just me, or has this week taken forever??? Thank you for all of the well wishes last night <3 Iโ€™m feeling MUCH better and even though I really hated canceling class, it was worth it. There was lots of this going on: And when…

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