10 things I can’t live without (during the past 10 weeks)

Hi friends! Happy Monday. I hope youโ€™re having a nice morning and that you enjoyed a relaxing weekend. Just to break up the monotony over here, weโ€™re still dragging out the tent every weekend. Itโ€™s one way to show the girls, โ€œHey, itโ€™s the weekend!โ€ when all of the days kind of blur together. The…

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Pilot Friday Faves

Good morning, everybody! Itโ€™s the pilot. Iโ€™m here to give my beautiful bride a chance to catch her editorial breath while I offer up all the unsolicited pilot favorites you never knew you needed. I hope this provides a little bit of entertainment while we all work to get through these challenging times. I promise…

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Thursday Thoughts

Hi friends. I hope your week is going well! I feel like I have quite a few random tangents to share, so I popped them all into this post! – Itโ€™s bananas to believe weโ€™re hitting 9 weeks tomorrow, which also means 9 weeks of no childcare. I absolutely love spending this time with the…

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our stay-at-home weekend

Hi friends! Happy Monday which feels like pretty much every other day around here. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I hope you had an enjoyable weekend and those who were celebrating Motherโ€™s Day enjoyed a relaxing day. I feel like this whole experience has been difficult in general, so I wanted to add a little note here for those…

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Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday <3 I hope youโ€™ve had an ok week and are enjoying the morning. This week felt like a weird one, right?! I slept horribly all week (full moon what) and got a strange rash all over my neck, torso, and one spot on my hand. My doc still isnโ€™t sure what…

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We painted our kitchen cabinets! (Benjamin Moore Swiss Coffee)

Sharing our updated kitchen cabinets! We painted them using Benjamin Moore Advance in Swiss Coffee (satin finish). You guyyyyyyys. We finally did it! These cabinets have been bothering me for almost two years now. There was absolutely nothing wrong with them, but our kitchen always felt kinda dark and gloomy. I knew a coat of…

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Friday Faves

Hi friends! Well, well, well another week down. Is it just me, or did this week fly by? I feel like the days are moving a bit more quickly now that weโ€™ve found our groove. Or maybe itโ€™s the fact that weโ€™re used to moving in slow motion so less activities/tasks take up more time?…

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Stay-At-Home Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Sharing a stay-at-home Motherโ€™s Day gift guide with lots of ideas for the women and caretakers we love so much. Hi friends! Howโ€™s the day treating you so far? I hope youโ€™re having a good morning. The weather has been warming up a ton here in Tucson, so the girls have been staying cool by…

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hi from the land of DIY

Hi friends! Happy Monday! I think itโ€™s Monday? Itโ€™s so weird how the days seem to all blend together. I hope your weekend brought you some peace and relaxation. Ours was packed with projects but we made time for ice cream, tent night in the living room, and some family walks. Friday afternoon, I finished…

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Friday Faves

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the morning going? Hope youโ€™re having a good one. Thank you for all of the awesome comments on my last post. Itโ€™s nice to hear Iโ€™m not alone in the blah feeling. Something that has helped me immensely: reminding myself that itโ€™s temporary. At one point, it will all be over. When…

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5 things keeping me sane right now

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the week treating you? I hope youโ€™re doing well and hanging in there with everything going on. I have to admit that itโ€™s been a weird week-ish for me. All of the adrenaline has melted away and I realized that weโ€™re doing a marathon instead of a 10k. (Not that I thought…

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15 lunge variations and proper lunge form

Sharing proper lunge exercise form, some of my favorite lunge variations, and how to prevent knee pain when performing lunges. Hi friends! Howโ€™s the day treating you so far? Weโ€™re having a good morning over here. Livโ€™s first pack of distance learning work was due this am and I have a conference call before we…

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