WIAW and a full day from start to finish

Hi friends! Happy humpday and Cinco de Mayo ๐Ÿ™‚ Here are some recipes if youโ€™re looking to get a lil festive tonight. Try these sour cream enchiladas, the best rice, this prickly pear margarita or this sangria, and some beans (I still need to do a post with my familyโ€™s bean recipe. SO good). We have Taco Tuesday with my fam every week, but we decided to have it tonight instead. Iโ€™m looking forward to guac and a rita later!

For todayโ€™s post, I wanted to share a day of eats and a full day from start to finish. Itโ€™s fun to go back and see how much these change as time goes on, and how many things remain the same (like the nightly laundry folding party.. it will never end.) This day was a pretty *normal* day of eats and workouts.. as normal as things get around here right now. So here we go!

2am – 4:30am: Weโ€™re awake to the loud beeping of the fire alarm. Itโ€™s been beeping for the past three nights at random intervals. We vacuum and clean them, change the batteries, and the Pilot ends up removing them from the walls so we can sleep.

6:40am: Up to get the crew ready for school! I make them waffles and scrambled eggs, pack up their lunches and water bottles, grab their masks, and do their hair before the Pilot gives them a ride. I make the beds, feed the animals, put the dishes away, and run a loud of laundry.

7:30am: Licorice tea, a few pieces of a Hu chocolate bar, and emails before my workout. I have some chocolate or a protein ball almost every day as a little sweet bite to get the day going ๐Ÿ™‚

9:00-10:00am: Barre Bootcamp 2.0 workout (I did the Barre Booty one as part of our challenge) and get dressed. I have a Daily Harvest smoothie with my supplements and Truvani protein powder before heading out the door

10:30-11:15am Meeting at Livโ€™s school to check out the kindergarten program for P. Iโ€™ve been feeling nervous and apprehensive about sending her to school in the fall with the current restrictions, but seeing everything in person definitely put my mind at ease.

11:30-12:30pm I come back home and roast a giant pan of veggies to have for salads and scrambles during the week. I also use this enormous cauliflower that we harvested from our garden!

Everything has been growing so well and we have Swiss chard, romaine, kale, tomatoes, eggplant, cauliflower, beets, carrots, and green onions. While the veggies are roasting, I make a blog graphic, put the finishing touches on the next dayโ€™s post, and hop on a Beautycounter call with a new consultant

I take my first half of lunch with me: a salad with greens and some of the roasted veggies, plus Primal Kitchen dressing and nutritional yeast

12:30-1:30pm A huge treat: massage! I havenโ€™t had one in SO long and it feels like a dream come true. The past year has made me realize how much we depend on human touch, and my legs, back, and calves are so insanely tight. I leave feeling like the happiest noodle. (I almost canceled my appointment the night before because I had so much work stuff to do, but I was so so glad I kept it.)

2pm: I have the second half of my lunch: gluten free toast with Kite Hill cream cheese, capers, Everything but the Bagel seasoning, and red onion, with a giant apple

+ A red Organifi juice to take with me

2:10-3:30pm: The school pick-up rotation! I get both of the girls, we swing into Petco for hay for the guinea pigs, and weโ€™re back at home! They grab a snack and watch a show to chill for a little bit, while I run upstairs to send a couple of invoices and work on a post draft for WebMD

Green tea and a Sakara beauty chocolate

4:00pm: The Pilot is home from work early, so he drops Liv at dance, and then P rides her bike while we walk about the neighborhood. The Pilot heads outside to do some yard work, so P and I play three rounds of Candyland and start dinner

We make Greek plates with falafel (frozen from Whole Foods! You just have to fry it), grape leaves, baked chicken, hummus, olives, salad (greens, cucumber, lemon juice, salt, and olive oil) and pita on the side.

6pm: The Pilot picks Liv up from dance and all have dinner together. <โ€” one of my favorite parts of the day

I also pop open a bottle of this wine from our Thrive Market delivery. Iโ€™ve LOVED all of the wines weโ€™ve tried so far! (I like all wine, but still. Very good.)

7:00pm: The Pilot cleans up the kitchen and makes the girls lunches for the next day (yesssssssss), while Liv and I work on her math homework. P does a puzzle at the table with us during homework time.

7:45pm: Kiddos are in the tub, I fold all of the laundry while the Pilot installs new fire detectors (crossing my fingers that they donโ€™t spontaneously chirp all night like the other ones), edit a podcast episode, and upload it for sound improvements through Auphonic. The kids are in the tub for a long time playing, and I always use this chance to conquer the laundry mountain and catch up on any loose ends from the day.

8:30pm I blow-dry the girlsโ€™ hair, they brush their teeth, and we read a couple of books before bedtime. The Pilot sits with Liv after books and I sit with P, so it cuts down on bedtime quite a bit. When heโ€™s gone, I usually sit with P for 10 minutes or so and then sit with Liv for 10-15 minutes.

9:00pm: The girls are crashed, so I quickly clean up downstairs, put out their outfits for the next day, and hop into bed to read. Iโ€™m reading The Huntingย Wives and while itโ€™s way outside my usual realm of book choices, itโ€™s intense and enjoyable so far.

10:45pm Lights out, and ready to do it all over again (minus the smoke alarm part)!

What I liked about this day:

– I feel like I got an awesome balance of nutrients from veggies, fruits, and protein. I didnโ€™t feel hangry all day, despite the fact that I was running around a lot.

– Any day that includes wine and chocolate is a good day, indeed.

– Any day that includes a massage is an even better day.

What I could have done differently:

– I donโ€™t think Iโ€™d really change anything about today! I felt like I was scrambling most of the day, but the massage really broke up everything and gave me a nice energy boost.

What was the best thing you ate yesterday? Any Cinco de Mayo plans?



More posts like this here, here, here, and here.

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  1. Dominique on May 5, 2021 at 1:16 pm

    Always love these throwback blog styles, circa 2008 ๐Ÿ™‚ So impressed with how streamlined and productive you are…I’m pretty good about time budgeting and structuring my day, but it seems like you are on another level!

    Best thing I ate yesterday was the homemade pinto beans (slow cooked with smoked ham hocks). Got a professional licensing exam early tomorrow so no cinco celebrations for me, but there WILL be celebratory wine tomorrow!

    • Fitnessista on May 5, 2021 at 3:32 pm

      yess old style blogging! i miss those days ๐Ÿ™‚
      homemade beans are so.dang.good. wishing you lots of good luck for your exam tomorrow!!

  2. Theresa on May 5, 2021 at 2:33 pm

    Gina! Hi from Phoenix! How are you getting such success with your garden? I am very intimidated to try a garden in our climate :-/ I know you have the raised beds (right?), but any special soil or tips you have been given? Your outcome is awesome!!

    • Fitnessista on May 5, 2021 at 3:34 pm

      you can do it! i was afraid, too, but you just have to go for it ๐Ÿ™‚ planting this time of year i’ve had good luck with herbs (basil, rosemary, cilantro, mint) and greens (kale, arugula, spinach, chard). it’s good to find a spot with a little bit of shade so that blazing heat doesn’t burn everything and water twice a day – in the morning, and then late afternoon as the sun is starting to go down
      whenever i want to plant something, i google “best things to plant in arizona in may” or whatever month it is and that’s how i get ideas!

    • Fitnessista on May 5, 2021 at 3:37 pm

      this guide is great!
      for soil, i just use the organic potting soil from lowe’s
      i have two raised beds and a lot of pots of different things ๐Ÿ™‚
      i also watch youtube videos for harvesting and planting. it’s definitely one of those things that you learn as you go!

  3. Lauren on May 5, 2021 at 3:14 pm

    Is the nutritional yeast good just sprinkled on stuff (like salad, maybe broccoli?)? After years (maybe a decade) of being curious, I finally decided to buy some, but now i’m kind of scared of it haha. What else do you use it for?

    • Fitnessista on May 5, 2021 at 3:34 pm

      yes! i love it on salads, broccoli or any roasted veggies, and on eggs ๐Ÿ™‚ let me know how you like it!

    • Melissa Caulfield on May 5, 2021 at 6:58 pm

      Hey Gina I live these Day in the Life blogs!!!! Can I ask How do you get your teeth so white?

      • Fitnessista on May 6, 2021 at 12:20 am

        Ah thank you so much! I drink a lot of coffee, tea, and wine so itโ€™s prob not anything Iโ€™m doing. I think going to the dentist every 4 months helps!

  4. Tracy on May 5, 2021 at 4:34 pm

    My kids aren’t in school any longer so I’m curious what restrictions you’re concerned about for Kindergarten? Surely things will be more relaxed this fall with vaccinations and communities getting back to normal? I’m just wondering what’s going on in schools. (All my kids are vaccinated and I realize that’s not the case for younger kids!)
    Also, how did you break your pinky? Hope it’s feeling better!

    • Fitnessista on May 5, 2021 at 4:38 pm

      i’ve been concerned about the distancing requirements and the masks in the heat all day. i’m just hoping things ease up for kids – i want them to get the social benefits out of school and think it’s important for them to be able to play and be kids. i’ve been especially worried about P because kindergarten helps to determine whether you’ll love school or hate school
      my pinky got slammed in a gate, so i fractured the top knuckle and damaged the tendon! such a pain. i get it checked again on monday so i’m crossing my fingers it’s doing better and i can use it again

  5. Emily on May 5, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    How old are your daughters?!? And you have to sit them at bedtime?!? Send them to bed and be done with it!! You are the problem parent creating snowflake children!

    • Fitnessista on May 5, 2021 at 10:47 pm

      Why are you so mad? I sit with them for 10-15 minutesโ€ฆand I enjoy it. They tell me any last minute things about their day and itโ€™s not a bother in my life at all. Worry about your own family and maybe assess your need to get hysterical on my blog about my parenting habits

      • Ashleigh on May 7, 2021 at 9:07 am

        So glad you stood up for yourself. Some of my fondest memories are of my mom sitting with me at bedtime. We would talk and say our prayers and it was so comforting. Glad you are doing what is best for your family.

    • Fitnessista on May 5, 2021 at 10:50 pm

      Also regarding the snowflake thing: I tell them theyโ€™re amazing and smart and a blessing in my life every single day. when they grow up and encounter nasty people or haters on the internet, I hope that confidence and self worth will enable them to brush it off

      • Katie on May 6, 2021 at 6:48 am

        I think it is awesome that you replied to this commenter by sticking up for yourself! Seriously, not sure what her issue is, but kudos for not ignoring her rudeness or writing something passive-aggressive. I loved reading your account of your day, and the part about you and the Pilot spending one-on-one time with the girls was the sweetest part! That’s absolutely the time of evening when your kids open up to you. Love it!

  6. Katie on May 5, 2021 at 7:08 pm

    I love this throwback format! Also, I need to make those enchiladas. I don’t think I’ve eaten chicken in 2-3 years, but ever since I got pregnant I’ve had the weirdest craving for rotisserie chicken (I have no idea why, and it is only rotisserie haha), so that recipe looks perfect!!

    • Fitnessista on May 6, 2021 at 12:19 am

      Thatโ€™s so funny- I started eating chicken again when I was pregnant, too! I had a dream about it and then had to have it. Please let me know if you try the enchiladas!

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