Supporting themselves, or selling out?

Thank you so much for all of the wonderful birthday wishes for the Pilot <3 He’s been enjoying reading them throughout the day- I’m excited to celebrate when he’s home from work. ย  (It was my first time doing streamersโ€ฆ using medical tape to hang them up. Don’t even ask. Liv got a kick out…

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The weekly bounty

It finally happened.ย  I woke up early and got in a workout while everyone was still sleeping. For all of my new friends out there (hi!!), this is a huge accomplishment because: I hate the morning. I’ll embrace sweet, glorious slumber until the last possible second (which is usually when the tiny opera star lets…

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The sweet spot

We’ve spent almost all of our Friday outside- it’s the “sweet spot” in Tucson when the scorching heat takes a vacay and pleasant breeze takes over. It’s short-lived before it becomes freeeeeezing (which in AZ is about 30-40*- I’m a wuss and I know it), so I love to take advantage of this time as…

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Farm to table

Hi friends- hope you’re all having a wonderful week so far. Thank you so much for your awesome feedback on the candy corn popcorn! It’s evilly delicious. Now, let’s just take things *a little* towards the opposite end of the spectrum; like this box of organic produce I ordered from Sunizona Farms. While the Pilot…

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