Everydrop Water Filter (+ a giveaway!)

I always have my water bottle with me, and pack one up for Livi too since she loves to drink water all day. Even when I travel, I’ll put an empty large water bottle in my backpack and fill it once I get through security. It’s better than buying plastic bottles, and this way, I have a water bottle for my trip. Here’s the thing, though: when I travel, the water kind of sketches me out. I’m always hearing about different things that can be found in the water system -ok, and I was traumatized when I read an article about some things that were found in Tucson- so I always figure: the more filtration, the better. Needless to say, I was pretty excited when Whirlpool Water offered to send me an EveryDrop Water Filter to try out. It was much smaller than I imagined, and came in a cute travel case.
I quickly assembled it, and couldn’t wait to try it out:
Something that surprised me was how quickly the water came out! It would be so easy to use this between a public water fountain and my bottle.
In reality, I don’t see myself carrying it around with us all the time -I have too much to lug around as is -but it is definitely something I’ll use while traveling. If you’d like to win your own + a $100 Visa gift card, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post with techniques you use to drink more water. I have a few in this post, but my all-time favorite is to infuse it with fresh fruit and herbs. You can get up to two entries by completing any of the methods below!
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carry around a water bottle at work
I love warm water with lemon or lime. Cold water is good too ๐
i bought a water bottle I love and don’t mind lugging around with me everywhere. It’s this one: http://www.hydroflask.com/products/hydro-flask-insulated-coffee-tea-and-water-bottle-18oz
I’m a huge coffee addict sometimes in the afternoon I’ll drink plain hot water. It makes me think I’m having some hue with the hot mug, and it’s a sneaky way to drink more water.
that water filter looks awesome!
I’ve been doing a 10 day cleanse to get ready for our ball…..and drinking a ton more water…over a gallon a day….and I feel fantastic, I used to drink diet soda…but now I feel so much less bloating, that I’m going to keep at this, I just fill a water bottle all day long, and keep it by myside. I’m just doing a clean eating clease…btw, no processed food…just good for you, whole foods…loving it!
I use a water bottle with 24 ounces and fill it 4 times while at work. I do not allow myself to drink anything else and if I do have a tea, then I add another water bottle to the mix. My skin is clearer and I no longer have headaches since I started this practice. Thanks for the focus on the importance of drinking clean water! xoxo
I used to drink a ton of Crystal Light (bad I know!!) but now I go to Circle K and fill my cup with ice water! For some reason it is better in a styrofoam cup! ๐
My trick to drinking more water is to always keep my water bottle within arms reach!
Carry your water bottle around with you every where you go. Add fruit. Drink it at room temperature instead of ice cold because you can drink more. ๐
Tweeted! https://twitter.com/amandakteacher/status/398806255193448448
Drinking it with lots of ice seems to help me. I’ve cut back on pop a lot lately and it saves a lot of money as well!
chambanachik at gmail dot com
I like my water in a glass bottle at room temperature. When a want something more flavorful I toss in an herbal tea bag with a squeeze of lemon.
Adding a Nuun tablet enhances the flavor of plain water.
I carry my 32-ounce Nalgene bottle with me everywhere I go in order to drink enough water throughout the day. I challenge myself to drink one whole bottle every two hours!
I tweeted about the giveaway! https://twitter.com/bkkolota/status/398886986645127168
We just moved across country to a new home that is on well water so this would be great to use at home, on camping trips and definitely when staying in hotels because I often question water quality!
I chug a glass before each meal.
Add a slice of lemon helps to drink more water.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
I also try to carry a water bottle with me almost all the time, and when I’m at home I like to mix a fruit-flavored nutrient and vitamin packet into my Nalgene (plus some ACV). I’ve also found that drinking water out of my to-go cold beverage cup (with a straw) helps me to drink water faster. Guess screwing and unscrewing my water bottle lid can be too taxing sometimes!
I always carry around a water bottle wherever I go. I love to infuse water with lemon and herbs.
I carry a big water bottle with me everywhere so I am constantly reminded to drink. In the evenings I also drink herbal tea which I love and it’s so soothing!
I carry my 750 ml water bottle everywhere. I fill it at least 4 times each day, using a rubber band to help me remember how many times I have filled it. Usually I try to drink 750 ml on my way to work, and another 750 ml on the way home.
Make it a habit. Try to drink a glass before lunch and a glass after. Just do it.
I try to drink more water by carrying a bottle of water with me when I’m out and about.
I always have a water bottle with me, and I keep track of how many times I have refilled it throughout the day!
I recently bought a high-end glass water bottle and feel super fancy when I drink from it, so it encourages me to drink more!
I keep a cup of water close by at all times. Plus, refilling it (and going to the bathroom) all the time is a good way to make sure I get up from my desk at work frequently!
I like to carry a water bottle with me everywhere! Also, when i get sick of water I like to drink herbal tea. Iced in the summer, hot in the winter. I find it harder to drink enough water when the weather is colder, so i often switch to warm/ hot water or tea in the winter.
I make sure to carry a reusable water bottle around with me everywhere I go, especially when I travel since I tend to drink much less water then!
It helps me to add sliced cucumbers and lemon. Also, I use a tervis tumbler that’s 24 oz, so I try to drink 3 while at work, and another 2 at night ๐
I am sure to always have my water bottle close! When I want to mix it up – I’ll add in lemons and limes.
Just having access to water at all times means that I’m going to drink more of it. So I try to carry water with me everyone!
My husband and I decided to pay for a water cooler in our home. I thought he (my hubs) was crazy when he suggested it, but we end up drinking a lot more water! I’d love something like this for my office.
I tweeted!
I desperatley need this. Our well water has became unbearable to drink without filtering the water.
I go through so much water everyday!
I carry a water bottle with me
For the everyday person who’s on the ‘go’, drinking fancy water or infused water just isn’t possible.
When I know I have to reach a goal because I’m dehydrated or behind on H2O, I take a paper cup with a lid and tally off how many cups of water I’m drinking. I usually sip/gulp through the straw because I feel that it’s faster and the tally marks are right in front of my face as I drink.
I use a gurgle pot at home (it is shaped like a fish and gurgles when you pour it) although I am 28, it still makes me smile everytime I use it. I also have a nalgene bottle at work so that I do not have to get up 15 times a day to get more water.
i keep a big water bottle at my desk and sip on it all throughout the day at work
i posted a tweet:
We would definitely use this on our vacations! thanks kmassman gmail
The best way to ensure that I drink enough water is for me to carry my water bottle with me everywhere in my hand. If I have it in my hand, then I remember to drink. Plus, to lighten the load that I am carrying, I need to drink more!
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/carrotrunr/status/400790939511181312
I bring a reusable water bottle to work everyday.