Everydrop Water Filter (+ a giveaway!)
I always have my water bottle with me, and pack one up for Livi too since she loves to drink water all day. Even when I travel, I’ll put an empty large water bottle in my backpack and fill it once I get through security. It’s better than buying plastic bottles, and this way, I have a water bottle for my trip. Here’s the thing, though: when I travel, the water kind of sketches me out. I’m always hearing about different things that can be found in the water system -ok, and I was traumatized when I read an article about some things that were found in Tucson- so I always figure: the more filtration, the better. Needless to say, I was pretty excited when Whirlpool Water offered to send me an EveryDrop Water Filter to try out. It was much smaller than I imagined, and came in a cute travel case.
I quickly assembled it, and couldn’t wait to try it out:
Something that surprised me was how quickly the water came out! It would be so easy to use this between a public water fountain and my bottle.
In reality, I don’t see myself carrying it around with us all the time -I have too much to lug around as is -but it is definitely something I’ll use while traveling. If you’d like to win your own + a $100 Visa gift card, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post with techniques you use to drink more water. I have a few in this post, but my all-time favorite is to infuse it with fresh fruit and herbs. You can get up to two entries by completing any of the methods below!
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I’m a huge water advocate (is that a thing?). If ever I don’t feel 100%, I assume water will solve everything. To drink more water, I always make sure to have water with me! It’s so easy to skip it, but if it’s right in front of me–on my desk, next to me on the couch, with me in the kitchen–I’m so much more likely to grab a few sips here and there.
I drink a glass of water as I am getting ready for the day and a glass before every meal.
I use MyFitnessPal app to log everything-water consumption, calorie intake, and exercise. I also never leave home without my big Nalgene bottle.
I am a school teacher and sometimes go through the entire day without refilling my water bottle because I am afraid of all the germs in the sink and fountain!
I would love to get this filter because I could use it at school!
I have time limits on when I have to finish drinking my water bottle!
I drink as much water as I can by keeping a glass water bottle within reching distance all day at work. The more I drink, the more breaks I get to stop and refill!
Oh my goodness, I LOVE infusing my water with goodies. My favorite combo is mint, cucumber and lemon. I started growing my own mint because of how much I was buying it just for my water!
I also like to mix things up and enjoy a flavored seltzer water (Safeway’s brand “Refresh” is pretty good… just water with bubbles and natural flavoring!)
I like to add lemon slices to my water and drinking it through a straw always helps!
I keep water with me at all times! Keeps my skin clear.
I’m a nursing mom, so I make sure I drink a liter of water between every nursing or pumping session during the day.
I always make sure that I have a water bottle with me when I travel, too! And another good strategy is to drink a full glass of water before each meal. This helps with my appetite, plus it knocks 24 ounces out of the way pretty easily!
I keep a bottle of water with me at all times.
I drink my water out of a Venti Starbucks cup. That way i reuse the cup instead of doing a one time use and recycle and get plenty of water! It’s also very easy to keep track of how much I drink throughout the day.
I always have a water bottle in my bag and my car so I’m never without water that I trust! (and I’ll admit to being pretty picky about water…some sources are just sketchy!)
I really started paying attention to the amount of water I was drinking when I got pregnant and I’ve kept it up now for 3 years. I really do feel better when I drink more. At work I make sure to take a drink every 30 minutes – it keeps the clock moving and I get my water in.
I have a huge clear plastic cup with a lid and straw that I bought when I was nursing my daughter. I still use it now and just fill it up throughout the day. If I look over and see it is still full, I know it’s time for a water break.
My method is to infuse the water with freshly sliced lemons. I keep the bottle close by me all day, even take it with me in the car.
Posted on https://twitter.com/kaischnee 🙂
oops…wrong link 🙁
I always have a water bottle that comes with a reusable straw! Having a straw results in me drinking SO much more water throughout the day!
This would be amazing to have! I was just thinking how I wish I could purify the water I get from the cafeteria at work before I drink it.
Lately I have been putting lemon in my water and I drink so much more that way!!
I find myself drinking more water when I put a straw in it. I keep a cup with a straw at my desk at work and a bottle with a straw at home.
I bring water up to bed with me in a 16 oz cup and leave it on my bedside table. When I wake up in the morning, I drink it right down as soon as I swing my legs off the bed. I love the way I feel when I hydrate myself as soon as I wake up, and I find that I am more likely to drink my daily dosage of water throughout the day when I start off with my morning water.
I drink water at every meal as well as carry my Camelbak water bottle with me most places I go!
I have a rule. I get a glass of water, down the whole thing and then immediately refill it to sip on the 2nd glass. I do this all day until I get 120 ounces. If I just sip on water, I tend to get distracted and not make my water count. Downing every other glass bumps my intake up so that I don’t get behind.
I take a huge water bottle filled with filtered water from home where ever I go. Since I try to drink so much, I always run out and have to fill it up with unfiltered water from water fountains at work. If the taste is a little, off I add fresh lemons.
Before I begin my day I start with a HUGE glass of water– helps to get the digestive system in motion for the day. Carrying around a cute BPA free water bottle helps me to get in enough liquid!
I have started carrying a water bottle with me everywhere too! It definitely helps to keep intake up and I love what it does for my skin 🙂
I carry my big plastic water jug with me everyday. If we go out to lunch, I will order water, too. I have to remind myself to drink throughout the day if I get too busy.
I drink at least 3 32 ounce tumblers of ice water daily I have it at work an make sure I fill it 3 times a day.. That filter would be great to keep at work to filter out the fountain water. I like lemon and cucumber in my water at home or when i go to the gym with a little bit of yerbabuena when I have it outside my house.
passing along a great article.
To drink more water each day I try to get up every hour at work to fill my glass. It gets me moving and keeps me hydrated!
I have a water bottle at home and a water bottle at my desk that I keep filled up and with me at all times. Also, the colder the water, the better. And, I drink a ridiculous amount of (decaf) tea (with lemon!) all day at work.
I have a large water bottle that I keep at my desk at work – I drink & refill throughout the day and make sure that I refill every time I get to use the restroom 🙂
I also keep a second reusable water bottle in my purse/gym bag for when I’m on the go. I fill it up at home to drink on my walk to work, then refill at the end of the day for my walk home.
Lots of water drinking happening here 🙂
I fill a bottle of water every night and leave it by my bed. When the alarm goes off, I drink the water while enjoying my usual morning news/blog “me time”, so that it’s not even a chore to start my day off hydrated (and it wakes me up, too!)
I make myself drinks at least 16 oz before each meal or 8 oz before a snack
I bought a half gallon sized water bottle and I fill it up in the morning and then again in the afternoon once I’ve gotten through my first fill. I have another smaller water bottle that I like that keeps my water really cold, but I often find that I’m refilling it constantly and not when it’s entirely empty, which makes it hard to keep track of my intake. With the half gallon bottle, I just need to drink two!
I put lemon in my water. I work in my office and the temperature gets very cold so instead of tea, I’ve been making cups of hot water with lemon. It gets my water consumption in and warms me up and tastes delicious!
I keep a big water bottle on my desk and constantly sip it throughout the day. Luckily the drinking fountain is right outside my door and the bathroom is only a few steps further. The convenience of that alone makes it soooo much easier!
I like to add fresh fruit (blueberries, lemon) to my water. It gives it a punch and adds variety!
I make sure to have a big glass of water with every snack and meal I have!
Tweeted! https://twitter.com/FoodNFitDiaries/status/397770975325851648
This seems awesome! I always carry my water bottle with me but like you, sometimes public water fountains skeeze me out. I’ve tried to filter-in-bottle types, but I always lose parts or they don’t hold enough water for me. I’m a big water drinker, so I don’t need to trick myself into drinking more – I just love water!
I keep a glass or bottle of water filled at all times and around me!
Travel water sketches me out too! To make sure I get enough water at work, I keep a large pitcher at my desk. If I don’t get through all of it by 3, I know I need to drink more.
I have a smaller Camelbak bottle (with water filter in the straw!) that fits perfectly in my purse, and goes EVERYWHERE with me. I don’t leave the house without it. I’m pretty much always in the mood for a drink of water, so I hate being without some. I also always take an empty one into the airport since flying feels so dehydrating anyway.
For me, drinking enough water is just about keeping a water bottle filled and nearby. I find that if I have that, I’ll sip on it consistently without even thinking about it. I love the herb/fruit infusion, idea, though!
I just keep refilling my water bottle.
Having a water bottle on me at all times and making sure that I re-fill it at least once throughout the day!
I’ve been infusing my water with lime lately. Last winter my water intake was terrible so I’m hoping to get more ideas from all of these comments. Drinking water is such a simple task, yet I still can’t seem to do it like I should….I’m working on it!
I, too, keep a Nalgene with me at all times and make it a goal to fill it up 3-4 times a day. I’ve always preferred water over any other beverage, so good ol’ plain water is just fine with me. I’m currently breastfeeding so I’m ALWAYS thirsty! 🙂