Have yourself a merry little Christmas

Hi hi friends! Happy Christmas eve to those who are celebrating this weekend. I’m taking the next few days off to enjoy with the fam, but I’ll be back on Monday.

I hope you have a blessed and wonderful holiday with those you love. I’m so thankful to you for being here!

Sending you love, happiness, a mug of warm mulled wine, and a grammie to top it off,

Gina (the Pilot, Liv, P, Maisey, Caro..and Donut and Cookie, too)

** I’ll announce the favorite things giveaway winners on Monday, so last chance to get in your entries!

Photos by Audria Abney

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  1. Kristen on December 24, 2021 at 10:06 am

    Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family! ❤️

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