9.27 Friday Faves

September 27, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? We have a new baby in the family! I’m so so excited for Trevor and Danielle, and of course, can’t wait to get those baby meals going. Other than baby excitement, we have a lot going on this weekend. Liv is getting her solo choreography, P…

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Like Royalty

Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the good luck wishes for the half marathon <3 I DID IT! (That’s my prince charming right there) After a painful 4am wake-up call, the pilot and I drove down to the race where I met up with Kelly and Meara. The pilot got this pic of the…

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I’ve Gotta Run

Hey everyone! Please sleep in for me today 😀 I’m off to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon with Kelly and Meara. Race gear: WalMart Special (to wear on top of my clothes and chuck before the race- Disney donates the clothes to charity) Seski. Playlist of justice: I’ve gotta run 🙂 See ya in…

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Hi guys 😀 Sorry I’m so late posting today—we were locked outside of my Aunt’s house and while I could pick up her WiFi from the car, my laptop was inside. We’re in the casa now and I’m happily on the couch 🙂 So we made it to Orlando safely! When we got into town,…

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Millet Frenzy

Hey everyone! Hope your day is going well <3 Any fun plans for this weekend?? Thank you SO much for the awesome feedback on the egg puff post! Per your requests, I’ll definitely make a b-fast cookie how-to next week 😀 With my egg puff last night, I had a salad beast: And my beloved…

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Infamous Egg Puff

Hey guys! IT’S FRIDAY!!! Wahoooooo! 😀 This is a quickie since I’ve got a few appointments before I pack up and we hit the road to Orlando, but I thought I’d post a little video for ya’ll. This video is how to make an egg puff. It’s super easy, but sometimes it’s more helpful to…

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