how I overcame autoimmune struggles

January 17, 2025

Sharing some of the details on how I overcame my autoimmune struggles, brought balance to my body, and am now symptom-free. Download the free ebook here. Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful morning so far. I have a day stacked with client calls and am looking forward to some adventures…

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Raw Granola

Hey everyone! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! The weekend is finally HERE 😀 To celebrate, I made some Raw granola. I’d been promising a certain Veggie Friend and my aunt some raw granola for quite some time, so today was the day 🙂 Raw granola – 1 pear, rough chopped -2 t cinnamon -1/2 t salt -1/2 cup…

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Slow Rollin’

Hi guys 😀 How are ya? I’m so stoked that ya’ll are enjoying the Intro to Iron Pumping plan- some of you have told me that you’ve tried a workout already. Lurve it 🙂 Stay tuned for the Winter Shape Up for more fitness plans (January 18, 2010)! I just want to clarify that the…

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Reader’s Request: Does yoga count as strength training?

  (Source) For the past few years my workout regimen has consisted of some type of cardio 4 or 5 times a week and strength training about 2-3 times a week.  I recently started practicing yoga regularly and love it!  Anyways, I’m wondering how to fit yoga into my workout schedule.  I have been taking…

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Hi guys 😀 How’s your day going?? I’m SO EXCITED that ya’ll like the Intro to Iron Pumping! Please let me know if you give the workouts a try and what you think 😀 I know Caitlin tried the workout this morning and already felt a burn. Awesome 🙂 Speaking of awesome, so was breakfast…

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Intro to Iron Pumping

When my friend Caitlin (who just ran her first marathon!) consulted me to help her with a weight-lifting plan, I was stoked to help out. (Source) Weight-Training vs Cardio Like many women out there, she is a cardio machine but doesn’t have a regular weight training routine. I always tell my clients that healthy eating…

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