things I had to learn the hard way about health and wellness

September 19, 2024

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the week going? I hope that youโ€™re having an amazing week. Itโ€™s been wild around here as usual, working during the day and chasing the kids around in the afternoons and evenings. I feel like summer was so peaceful and that the school year is pure chaos. Iโ€™m still trying to figure…

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You know you’re desperate when…

You use a coffee stirrer from your hotel room as a makeshift spoon for which to eat almond butter out of the jar Thatโ€™s how I roll ๐Ÿ˜€ Today has been amazing. I started the day with a nanner and dropped Ashley off at the esthetics show: After that, I had about 45 minutes to…

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I want to swim in guac

Hey everyone! HAPPY WEEKEND! ๐Ÿ˜€ Sorry for going MIA on ya yesterday. I was frantically trying to pack for Ft. Lauderdale and had a training appointment before Ashley and I got on the road. Lunch was a haphazard yet delicious event. Salmon bits with mustard Roasted zucchini and eggplant I dropped Viessy off at the…

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It’s National Pomegranate Month

  LETโ€™S CELEBRATE ๐Ÿ˜€ ****CLICK HERE**** for your chance to win an entire case of POM juice    

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Welcome to my yoga oven

Hey hey hey ๐Ÿ˜€ How are ya?? Things are bueno over here! I finally succeeded in converting the guest room into my own hot yoga studio ๐Ÿ˜€ You guys know how Iโ€™ve been saying I want a space heater to use for yoga for a few months, so today, I finally went to Samโ€™s Club…

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I like it even more

Hey everyone! Happy almost-Friday ๐Ÿ˜€ I hope yaโ€™ll enjoyed the interior decorating post! Thank you for the lovely comments on our casa ๐Ÿ™‚ Itโ€™s a cozy fun little placeโ€ฆ the pilot should enjoy it a little more often ๐Ÿ˜‰ Something I like: Rocking out crow pose Something I like even more: Seeing an 83-year-old granny…

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