things I had to learn the hard way about health and wellness

September 19, 2024

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the week going? I hope that youโ€™re having an amazing week. Itโ€™s been wild around here as usual, working during the day and chasing the kids around in the afternoons and evenings. I feel like summer was so peaceful and that the school year is pure chaos. Iโ€™m still trying to figure…

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Always eat dessert first

Hey hey hey ๐Ÿ˜€ WHOA everyone- thank you so much for all of your heartfelt and wonderful anniversary wishes! My madre even commented! So cute <3 Iโ€™m a very lucky girl to be married to the love of my life. And yes, I met him at Starbucks (the โ€œBizzleโ€) so Iโ€™m a huge believer in…

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Two Years

Two years ago, I married the Starbucks guy. My random adventure buddy: Crazy face companion: Hot date: Running partner: Drink bully: Who travels with me: Fully supports my healthy habits: Serenades me: Takes care of our puppies: And holds my heartโ€ฆ.. Happy Anniversary, face <3 I love you like crazy.

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Whereโ€™s the meat?

Hey everyone! Hope you had a fabulous day ๐Ÿ˜€ I spent most of the afternoon getting ready for my classes, reading Time Travelerโ€™s Wife, and working on some blog stuff to get it switched over to self-hosted.. it will probably be done by tomorrow night and Iโ€™m wayyy excited about it! The plan is to…

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Chocolate cinnamon alarm clock

Hey guys! Hope your day is going well and Iโ€™m loving your feedback on my encouragement to eat post ๐Ÿ˜€ Lets all raise our forks and feast on the good stuff ๐Ÿ˜‰ I woke up this morning to a delicious aroma that filled the downstairs area with a chocolaty cinnamon scentโ€ฆ Waiting in the Excalibur,…

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Two secrets

Hey everyone! Happy (?) Monday ๐Ÿ˜€ Hope you had a lovely weekend! Yesterday morning (afternoon, rather since we were bums) I made the pilot another Tucson-style meal: Chorizo, eggs and handmade tortillas. I didnโ€™t make the tortillas- theyโ€™re from Anita St. Bakery in Tucson (I have WHEAT for me!!!) and theyโ€™re made fresh every dayโ€ฆโ€ฆ…

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