10.25 Friday Faves

October 25, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? Weโ€™re heading out on a Disney cruise with the crew! Iโ€™ll definitely report back with the adventures but weโ€™re going straight from Orlando fun to the cruise ship. This is Disney cruise #5 (our last one is here) and weโ€™re definitely not stopping anytime…

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Avoiding the car nap

I’m going to totally jinx myself for writing this, but Liv has been a great sleeper ever since we initially implementedย The Baby Whisperer techniques. As soon as we brought her home from the hospital, we tried to get her into an eat, play, sleep routine and it helped her create a more predictable schedule. As…

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Workout classes you liked or loathed

A house full of chocolateโ€ฆ. and veggies. Not a bad mix ๐Ÿ˜‰ When the Pilot makes it home for dinner, I loooooove it when he grills our meal. He can make pretty much anything (burgers, chicken, pizza, quiche), but my absolute favorite is the chicken. Something about grilling in the summer makes the food taste…

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“Before 30” bucket list

Hi friends <3 Thank you so much for your amazing response to this morning’s post. It’s way too easy to get into the comparison trap game and at the end of the day, how fast we run, how much we lift, how well we Zumba… it doesn’t really matter. I’m loving all of your amazing…

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You don’t have to be “good”

This past weekend, I got a comment suggesting that I should stop running because I’m not very fast. It made me pretty upset, not because this commenter was saying I was slow -I’ve been called far worse since I started blogging- but because it’s frustrating to see that kind of attitude in the fitness community.…

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6/9: Meals and fitness for the week

Hi friends ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you’re having an amazing weekend and that my Summer Shape Up friends are ready to start week 2 with a BANG. Plan and prep today, and take a look at the workout calendar to get an idea for this week’s workouts. Friday night, the Pilot and I had a great date…

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