How to read more

October 21, 2024

Sharing some tips on how to read more if that’s one of your goals! Hi friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. What were you up to? We met with friends for sushi, celebrated the Pilot and P’s birthdays with family (we’ll be out of town for their actual birthdays), and had the usual…

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BBQ Zucchini Chips

Hi friends! I absolutely loved reading your comments on yesterday’s intermittent fasting post. Thank you again to Maria and Catherine for starting the conversation! For now on, I think that would be a fun way to present “Focus On” posts regarding diet, just to further demonstrate that there are so many ways to fuel yourself-…

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Focus On: Intermittent Fasting

When I first heard the intermittent fasting hype, it caught my attention, as most trendy diets will do. I always like to be familiar with food and fitness fads so that if I train a client who is following something new, I’m already familiar with what they’ve been doing. Once I heard the premise of…

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DIY: refreshing rose facial spray

There are so many beautiful and extremely different personalities in our work locker room. We have the dancers, the spinners, the hardcore ass-kickers (that’s their official title), the yogis and more. Some flow from one type to the next–like the same airy fairy yoga instructor can kill you in bootcamp class. It’s amazing. I learn…

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love to Boston + the workout sandwich

Hi friends. My heart is still really heavy today after yesterday’s tragic events in Boston. This post was originally supposed to publish around 3pm yesterday, but at the time felt so silly and inappropriate to post, I put it queue for this morning and enjoyed the evening with my family. Even though we had a…

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Homemade Kombucha

Even though I made kombucha at 105degrees, it’s always freaked me out to make it at home. I pictured our house being overrun by scoby mushrooms, engulfed in a vinegar aroma. I also thought the Pilot thought it would be the final ticket to the “my wife is a little ‘out there’” town. But, guess…

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