Sharing the details for my newest program, Healing Code, and how you can join. Hi friends! Happy Monday! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. Ours was a great one – Liv had a dance competition, I taught barre, and we met up with friends for dinner last night. Today I have some exciting…
Continue Reading →Hi friends! Happy humpday to ya. Hope your week (and October!) is going well so far. While the Pilot was flying last night, Bell helped me study for my NASM exam and earlier in the after noon, Liv and I went to walk around World Market with my nana. I was originally going to check…
Continue Reading →-Someone in Target sneezes behind you and you sing, “God bless youuuuuuuuuu!” the same way you do to your child. Accidentally. Awkward. -You know that designer handbag you never used to put on the floor? You lose it for a few weeks then find it, with Puffs crumbled at the bottom. -You smile at babies…
Continue Reading →I didn’t necessarily start out seeking to make use of an entire pumpkin from seeds to skin, but the idea kicked in somewhere after starting to make Liv some baby food and midway through consuming a voluptuous glass of Malbec and a lot of gluten-free crackers. 🙂 And then this happened! The Pilot was flying Monday…
Continue Reading →When I first posted about making our own baby food, I used pumpkin a la can. There’s nothing wrong with it -and it’s super easy- but I wanted to find an option that I could make at home, minus the chemicals that often exist in can linings, even with organic brands. A few people in…
Continue Reading →It’s rare for me to have a case of the moan-days, since I love being able to spend the day with Liv. We’ll do the usual thing (play, read books, go on a fun adventure. meet up with friends or just take it easy) and yesterday, I only had one thing in mind that I…
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