[New program] Healing Code

March 3, 2025

Sharing the details for my newest program, Healing Code, and how you can join.  Hi friends! Happy Monday! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. Ours was a great one – Liv had a dance competition, I taught barre, and we met up with friends for dinner last night. Today I have some exciting…

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CR Cuisine and Amenities

After  a weekend of picturesque views, healthy culinary delights, being pampered and learning (new fitness and health techniques, and also about myself) it’s time to head back to the land of cacti. Before I get back in the swing of life, I wanted to take a post to talk about all of the amazing food…

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At-home Cardio and Weights Workout

Hi friends! Catching up from the weekend? My ZOOMA 10k race was Saturday, and now I’m relaxing and enjoying the sights at Canyon Ranch in Lenox (why I’m here, food pics and pics from the day). This morning, I’m off for a run, then getting ready to head to the airport. I’ll see ya this…

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9/23: Pics from the day

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9/23: Meals and Fitness for the week

This week is going to be a little different than usual, since I’m staying out-of-town for another day +. Unlike traditional vacations, where I have to get creative to find healthy options, I’m fortunate to be surrounded by them. Breakfast this morning: Gluten-free cornmeal waffles (I salivate just looking at the picture) smoked salmon, more…

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Here at the Ranch

So, I’m in Massachusetts… still… and again. This whole time I was thinking I’d be going to New York because one of the two possible places I could be picked up was New York. Since I was being picked up in Hartford, we were going to New York. <– see the illogical leap my brain…

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