[New program] Healing Code

March 3, 2025

Sharing the details for my newest program, Healing Code, and how you can join.  Hi friends! Happy Monday! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. Ours was a great one – Liv had a dance competition, I taught barre, and we met up with friends for dinner last night. Today I have some exciting…

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ZOOMA Cape Cod 10k Race Re-cap

If this isn’t motivation to finish a race, I’m not sure what is…. Wine and massages? I’ll run for that 🙂 The morning started off nice and early (3:30 AM Tucson time!) and I quickly grabbed some food: ‘Bucks, banana and almond butter. I was SO hungry when I woke up, I really wanted to…

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Let’s do this thang

It was a crazy, long day, even longer with a travel snafu + 3 hours of driving on top of flying all day. But, I made it! 🙂 After an awesome dinner with the ZOOMA girls (thanks for letting me crash the party!) FaceTime with my loves, getting my clothes set out   and my…

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Turn over a new leaf

It’s been quite the whirlwind Friday so far! It started nice and early: (the other alarm is from one Christmas morning when I woke up at 7 and Liv was still sleeping) For the past 8 months, I’ve had a tiny human alarm clock. She sings beautiful songs and does funny things to wake up-…

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Away from my beeb for the first time

When I first had Liv, as coincidence would have it, I suddenly started to get invited for more and more out-of-town blog events, all expenses covered. As tempting as it sounded, especially the ability to sleep peacefully on an airplane, I couldn’t do it. I knew if I went away she would be absolutely fine…

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