all of the things I’ve leaned about eye care in the past year and a half

October 15, 2024

Sharing some of the random and important things Iโ€™ve learned in my eye journey since the great saga, a year and a half ago. Hi friends! How are you? I hope youโ€™re having an amazing day so far! I have client calls all day long, so I have my beverages next to me (Organifi green,…

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8/21: Thoughts from the week

-Thank you so much for all of the awesome car seat tips and recommendations! I’m excited to check out the brands the you listed and decide soon. Little miss is getting to be too tall for her seat, and while we’re going to keep her rear-facing as long as possible, she’ll be more comfortable in…

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How do you like your almond butter?

(Besides the direct transfer from spoon to face) Thank you so much for all of the kind words about Tucker’s return. Within minutes of putting the post up, my friend Carrie found him on Craigslist! He’ll be back home with my family today. Social media is an incredible thing, indeed.ย  While I waited for news…

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Looking for Tucker- found!!

No *real* post today.. I’m in a sad mood and have been in a bit of a funk. No run this morning- I looked at my planner last night to see that I had an early appt so I quickly texted my friend to cancel some other things and my family’s dog, Tucker has been…

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Time for a toddler seat

Liv wants to walk more than anything. She pulls herself up on whatever she can -whether it’s a stable surface or not, like a pillow- and takes a step away from it. She hasn’t quite figured out the whole strength/balance combo when it comes to walking, but I love the way she just goes for…

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Running or snoozing + Jump Rope Strength Workout

I’m running right now. Well, I’m *supposed* to be running right now, so let’s hope that I actually woke up on time, got dressed and made it out there. A friend is meeting me, so that’s always good motivation to not be a bad friend bum and get myself up and at ’em. I don’t…

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