Sharing the details for my newest program, Healing Code, and how you can join. Hi friends! Happy Monday! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. Ours was a great one – Liv had a dance competition, I taught barre, and we met up with friends for dinner last night. Today I have some exciting…
Continue Reading →If you could Photoshop yourself on a daily basis, would you? The truth is, many of us have skin issues. We have things we don’t like. But we have what we have, we should rock what got, and fix what we can. (source) I have always been diligent about taking care of my skin,…
Continue Reading →Lots of the usual suspects…. Standard breakfast: Work clothes ready to go, and getting things together for the morning. I leave tomorrow for my race -plus a special short trip that’s been included on top of that, more details to come- and I haven’t done anything to get ready. In standard Gina fashion, I’ll be…
Continue Reading →I’m kind of crazy about Bella’s new haircut. We took her to a new groomer, which can always be a little nerve-racking but she came highly recommended by a friend, and were so happy with everything about it. The place was clean, the employees were extremely kind, Bell was happy (and playing with their pet…
Continue Reading →When I’m feeling a little bored with top-knots or if I have no time to curl my hair, milkmaid braids are a great option. They can be worn dressy or casual! I find that braids make for a romantic and girly look, especially if adorned with a flower! What you’ll need: Rubber bands, teasing comb,…
Continue Reading →Most of the time, I love to cook. I can’t wait for a chance to try out a new recipe or make an old favorite for dinner (all while singing “Bringing home a baby bumblebee,” doing a ridiculous dance or orchestrating a Tupperware drum solo). Other times, I want my food delicately placed on the…
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