Mediterranean egg bites (gluten-free and dairy-free)

Mediterranean egg bites (gluten-free and dairy-free)

March 20, 2025

Today I’m sharing a dairy-free and gluten-free recipe for Mediterranean egg bites. Try this as a high-protein meal prep option! Hey hey! How’s the week going? I hope you’re having a great one so far! It’s been busy as usual – but I’m looking forward to some weekend fun with the crew. 🙂 For today’s…

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When to break up with your trainer

Morning friends! As much fun as we had in Philly, it feels so good to be home 🙂 Miss Bell almost shook her tail off her body last night. This morning she’s back to pouting, though. I’m hoping she gets used to the new place soon :/ It was also nice to have a kitchen…

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Plane Pet Peeves

Hi friends! Hope you’ve had a wonderful Monday so far <3 I’m sky blogging again- it’s been a long day of traveling, rude cab drivers, and on-the-go food so it will be nice to get home and back in the swing of life. We had a great last morning in Philly, though 🙂 After sleeping…

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The Great Diaper Debacle

When I first heard about the option of cloth diapering, I was an immediate fan. It’s better for the environment, it’s less expensive (disposables are no joke), and it feels better for the baby. From all around, it sounded like a win-win-win situation. I mentioned it to my mom and she was all about it…

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His first cheesesteak

What a night. You may have wondered why I was middle-of-the-night blogging and tweeting last night 😉 I stayed up later than I have in a looooooong time, and had an absolute blast with good friends 🙂 We started off at dinner at Parc, with Sabrina, her husband Trig, and Kath. Parc is a French…

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It’s [not] always sunny

In Philadelphia 😉 Heyyyyy 😀 How’s your Sunday treating ya? We’ve been exploring Philly, eating sweet [gf] treats and getting stuck in the rain. It’s been a very good day 🙂 I started off the morning by heading over to the HLS brunch to say “see ya later”, brought some almond butter back to our…

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