How to teach kids healthy eating habits

March 19, 2025

Sharing some tips about teaching kids healthy eating habits. Hi friends! I hope you’re having an amazing week. We’re off to San Diego – I can’t wait!! – and I’ll definitely post the adventures over on Instagram stories. To introduce new friends to the blog, I write posts each week for search purposes. This is…

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A scaly friend

We have a few.. creatures… in the backyard…. Check out this guy! He’s been chilling under one of our patio tables all day. It’s funny because when we first moved in, the Pilot saw that we had quite a few HUGE lizards in our backyard and texted my brother saying “we’ve been infested with Gila…

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Preg Superfoods

Pregnancy has done amazing things in teaching me how to eat intuitively. Before I got pregnant, I had a pretty standard way I preferred to eat (whole, highly plant-based diet during the week, with a treat day over the weekends, small treats during the week if I really wanted something specific), and after the little…

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The Good Stuff

Hiiiiii 😀 Happy Monday! Hope you’re having an amazing morning. This morning, I woke up a little earlier, munched a piece of toast put on my sneaks, sunscreen, grabbed a water bottle and went for a morning walk at Sabino Canyon. Not a bad way to wake up, eh? 🙂 There were lots of hikers…

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Salad of Lies

Hey hey 😀 Hope you’ve had a wonderful Sunday! Today was pretty amazeballz because I got to take a LaBlast class from Louis. It was exciting because while I teach LaBlast, I had never taken a live class (besides training) with the mastermind behind it. His energy is out of control and it was helpful…

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A Dog and a Baby

Bella has always been the #1 baby in my life. {Baby Bell! I used to dress her everyday. Haha} She was actually a Valentine’s gift from the Pilot. I was studying at my apartment, he went out to “run an errand” and came back with a little maltipoo that fit in the palm of my…

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