The best nontoxic air fryers

March 17, 2025

Sharing a roundup of the best nontoxic air fryers.ย  Hi friends! Happy Monday and happy St. Patrickโ€™s Day! What do you have going on? P has spring break, the girls have their usual activities, and weโ€™re headed to San Diego later this week. I.canโ€™t.wait. For todayโ€™s post, I wanted to chat a bit about nontoxic…

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Baby Lust List

Baby shopping is FUN. I never thought Iโ€™d enjoy shopping even more than I already did, but it finally happened ๐Ÿ˜€ Ever since we found out little nugget is a he-nugget last week, itโ€™s been such a blasty to meander around baby stores and websites to get ideas for our registry. Weโ€™re not going to…

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Mediterranean Thursday?

Hi friends! ITโ€™S FRIDAY! I love it ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you have something fun planned for the weekend <3 Last night, I was planning on making curry chickpea patty-things, but the Pilot could tell I was exhausted from work and suggested we try the new Mediterranean place that opened a couple of months ago. Even time…

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Goofy antics

Hi friends! How are ya? Iโ€™m so glad you enjoyed this morningโ€™s readerโ€™s request post! <3 It was a good, but long day today. Thatโ€™s my โ€œwork was cray cray but Iโ€™m home now, so letโ€™s chillโ€ face ๐Ÿ™‚ This is the Pilotโ€™s face when I said โ€œhelloooooooo honeyโ€ in my best raspy old lady…

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Reader’s Request: Finding Motivation

Morning friends <3 Hope youโ€™re having a great day so far! Itโ€™s been a little while since Iโ€™ve done a readerโ€™s request, so hereโ€™s a recent one I received that I thought would be perfect for today. Hey Gina, I love your blog! I had a readerโ€™s request for you: how do you always stay…

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A Flash of Neon

To be real, whenever neon is in style, it freaks me out a little. It also gives me flashbacks to 2nd grade, when I had a neon pink t-shirt (which I would tie in a knot on the side) that I would wear with day-glow purple leggings. I wish I were joking. Even when they…

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