The best nontoxic air fryers

March 17, 2025

Sharing a roundup of the best nontoxic air fryers.  Hi friends! Happy Monday and happy St. Patrick’s Day! What do you have going on? P has spring break, the girls have their usual activities, and we’re headed to San Diego later this week. I.can’t.wait. For today’s post, I wanted to chat a bit about nontoxic…

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The right kinda Sunday

Hey friends! How’s your day been? What have you been up to today? Our Sunday has been the perfect mix of work, relax and play 🙂 The Pilot has been working insane hours, which has been pretty standard since I’ve known him. There’s always talk about it calming down, but I won’t believe it until…

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A time for country

Morning! How’s your Sunday going? Hope it’s been lovely and relaxing 🙂 We woke up bright and early to head to the farmer’s market to pick up some cupcakes I had ordered. I packed up some iced coffee with almond milk to-go: and we left for the market. Of course, we brought this little nugget…

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Night in a nutshell

Hope your night was as relaxing and enjoyable as ours 🙂 See ya in the morning- I have some very special cupcakes to pick up 😉 <3 Success! Check your email for a free 30-day meal and fitness cheat sheet There was an error submitting your subscription. Please try again. Email Address Subscribe

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Fashion Flub: The Bag Dress

It happens to the best of us. You wear an outfit you think looks pretty cute and then you see a picture and think… otherwise. A recent example: the bag dress. I bought this dress on super sale during a J Crew spree, and last time I wore it minus gluten-free bun in the oven,…

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Like a mouse

Morning friends! How’s your weekend going so far? And who has seen Harry Potter already?! I can’t wait to see it… but I need to see part 1 first. I’m a terrible HP fan. I’ve been moving around extra quietly this morning- the Pilot and Bella are still fast asleep 🙂 I crashed out on…

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