Sharing a roundup of the best nontoxic air fryers. Hi friends! Happy Monday and happy St. Patrick’s Day! What do you have going on? P has spring break, the girls have their usual activities, and we’re headed to San Diego later this week. I.can’t.wait. For today’s post, I wanted to chat a bit about nontoxic…
Continue Reading →I have a love-hate relationship with morning sickness. I love it because it makes me feel like something is actually happening, but on the other hand, it’s not exactly fun to feel like you’re going to lose your lunch at any second of the day. I’ve only actually gotten sick a handful of times and…
Continue Reading →I have a lot of crazy dreams, but usually have the most bizarre ones over the full moon. The past week, it was a full, gorgeous moon and I had my first baby-related dream. I was sleeping in a room somewhere that looked like a hospital, but not quite. It had the same sanitary florescent…
Continue Reading →Hey friends 😀 How are you? Hope your day is going well <3 Bella is fluffy, clean and totally sassafras. She even has patriotic bows! Look how the wind blows in her ears. So cute I can’t even handle it 😉 It has been a productive day today! Lately I’ve just wanted to nap on…
Continue Reading →I already told ya’ll that I have a rough time wearing scarves… well I have another accessory nemesis: hats. I want to wear them SO badly, but every time I pick one up, it ends up staying in my closet for the entire season. It’s funny though because I have no prob wearing hats with…
Continue Reading →Good morning! Hope your day is going well <3 I’m very stoked for this week’s Summer Shape Up Eats and Workouts. If you’re fashionably late to the party, check out the intro post *here* for all the deets. Guess what?! You’re halfway done! Hopefully you’re starting to feel amazing and beginning to see some results,…
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