3.14 Friday Faves

March 14, 2025

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Whatโ€™s going on this weekend? Itโ€™s been a rough few weeks around here. Everyone is healthy (thank goodness) but weโ€™re going through a bit of a rough patch. I can probably share more when weโ€™re on the other side, but weโ€™re *in it* right now. Something that has brought me joy:…

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New handbag love

Hi friends! We are still having an incredible time in Vegas and I have a fun new purchase to share with yaโ€ฆ. a new handbag!! As you guys know, Iโ€™ve been in the market for a new bag for quite a while but have been waiting to find my soul mate. While venturing around the…

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Summer Shape Up 2011

Itโ€™s finally here: 3rd year of Summer Shape Up!! ๐Ÿ˜€ Iโ€™m really excited about this one and hope youโ€™ll join in the fun ๐Ÿ™‚ Summer is a great time to shake up your workout routine and find extra motivation to fuel your body the best way possible. Little changes add up and can make a…

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Vegas Purchases: 6/5

Iโ€™ve gotten a LOT better at packing for trips. For 3-day weekend vacays, I used to pack a giant suitcase, a carryon, at least 5 pairs of shoes and a ton of outfits.. just so Iโ€™d have options. Even though Iโ€™ve become borderline ninja in my packing abilities and only pack a carryon now, the…

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Vegas is our Disneyland

Hi friends! How are ya? Weโ€™re here safe and sound in Las Vegas, and already having a blasty ๐Ÿ™‚ We decided that Vegas is like our Disneyland.. we get the same kind of excitement from being here that we did going to Disneyland as kids. Itโ€™s shopping, eating, entertainment, party paradise ๐Ÿ™‚ When we got…

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On our way

Hey friends! Hope youโ€™re having a lovely morning so far <3 I didnโ€™t get the chance to post again last night because after work — we went to dinner with the fam and then it was packing, get-ready frenzy up in herrrre. Work was fantastic โ€“I love it so much- and then I came home…

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