3.14 Friday Faves

March 14, 2025

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? It’s been a rough few weeks around here. Everyone is healthy (thank goodness) but we’re going through a bit of a rough patch. I can probably share more when we’re on the other side, but we’re *in it* right now. Something that has brought me joy:…

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Baking Animal

Hey! Happy Saturday! Hope you’re sleeping in 🙂 Last night, we watched Get Him to the Greek (HILARE, btw) and I was perusing blogs on the computer. It’s a luxury to read blogs at night from a legit computer, since usually I depend on my phone during the day to catch me up 🙂 Anyway,…

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Leave with a hug and a kiss

Hi friends 😀 How’s your Friday treating ya? Things are bueno over here 🙂 Before we left for my doctor’s appointment, I was presented with a plate of fluffy egg whites, with garlic, sea salt, pepper and goat cheese. Why does food taste so much better when other people make it? More specifically, why does…

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Bagels for two + Fit Friday

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Hope you’re having a wonderful morning <3 First things first, the winner of the macaroons for donating to Tonya’s cause: Claire! Please send me your address to fitnessista at gmail dot com and which flavor roons you’d like (blonde, chocolate, mocha, Meyer-lemon lavender, chocolate-almond butter) and I’ll get them on the…

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Reader’s Request: A stocked kitchen

Hey hey 😀 Hope you had a fantastic almost-Friday <3 My day was a blasty, but crazy as usual. It started off with CRP cert– check out the “face” I got to use for the mannequin 😀 Our instructor was a firefighter and firefighters are very… knowledgeable… so class was better than my last experience…

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Fashion Flub: Scarves

Hi friends 🙂 How’s your day going? It’s been a while since I’ve done a fashion post, since I’ve been looking less-than-fashionable in my gym clothes all week 😉 So instead, I thought it would be fun to talk about a major fashion flub of mine. Scarves. I can’t wear them. Thinking about wearing a…

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