reader’s request
Reader’s Request: When Food and Family Collide
Hey everyone! Hope your weekend is wrapping up beautifully 😀 I’ve received quite a few requests on what to do when your eating habits differ from family and friends and how to nourish your body the way you see fit, when others verbally disagree. Before we get started, a little disclaimer that I post on…
Read More →Reader’s Request: Fab Abs
Hey bloggies 😀 It’s time for another reader’s request post! Hey Gina, I work out my abs pretty often and still don’t see any definition! Any tips? Also, what are your favorite ab exercises??? Thanks! Ahh, the coveted toned girly abbies. (Source) Now, I’ve never been one to desire a serious 6 pack. The…
Read More →Reader’s Request: Skincare
Hey everyone! How’s your day going? Hope it’s been bueno so far 😀 I’ve received a few emails like the following and figured it’d be a fun idea for a reader’s request post! Dear Gina, Would you please do a blog post on what you do to take care of your skin? Guess I need…
Read More →Reader’s Request: Meal Planning
Hey everyone! Hope you’re having a loverly day 😉 I got the following email last week: Can you do a post on how your organize your meal plans? Any shortcuts (chopping takes the longest for me)? One idea — can you post grocery list of the products you use and where to get them? (such…
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