It’s Been About a Year….
Since I’ve considered myself a *runner*.
In the spring of last year, I broke up with running and bid adieu to races, structured training plans and a whole lot of pressure.
I had ran two half marathons and a boatload of other races, but a few things made me realize that maybe running wasn’t my cup of tea.
I injured myself, which was a huge wake-up call that I was overtraining, and also knew that my favorite running buddy would be gone the rest of the year.
Thinking about long runs without him *could* have motivated me to tackle them on my own (or with a friend), but instead made me dread them.
What I miss about running:
The silence and calm… it was amazing “me” time and a great chance to think
Extra carbs!
(Instead of one of two piece of roti, I’d happily enjoy a whole basket)
New running shoes 🙂
What I DON’T miss about running:
Ice baths!!!!
The whole “training” part
Competing against myself.
Running brought out a different layer of my Type A and perfectionist personality. Every time I ran, I felt like I had to perform better than the last time, which quickly sucked a lot of the run out of it.
Since I quit running, I’ve discovered so many other things that I LOVE:
Strengthening my yoga practice
Bootcamps and Bodyrock
and extra walks with my best four-legged friend.
I have to admit that after reading the spring race re-caps that have been popping up everywhere, I’ve considered getting back into running. Then, after thinking about it, I decided that if I get the itch to run, I’ll do it for fun sans pressure and leave the Garmin at home… but take my favorite Pilot with me 😉
Maybe running is your bread and butter and that’s what works for you. If that’s the case, awesome, and rock it out 🙂
Just a friendly little reminder to always listen to your body and do what’s best for YOU. There are a thousand workouts in the sea, and you’ll find one that you love and loves you back.
See ya later today!
I would LOVE to run the Princess half. You’re right though; you’ve got to do what’s right for you!
Anything that ends in an ice bath cannot be good!! haha. It’s always great to know that something is just not right for you. It can be hard to admit it. While tons of mommies can wake up at 5-6am to get their workout in before the fam wakes up…it’s just not my cup of tea. Took me a while to be okay with that and not feel like a loser.
I can NOT get into running….. I love the elliptical though– in terms of weight loss do you think I can get an equal workout from a high intensity elliptical workout vs run/walk on the treadmill? I keep trying to run but I just can’t and I typically burn way more calories on the elliptical.
What are your thoughts on elliptical vs treadmill for weight loss?
i think either one is a great option!
I think you have to lots of pilates and squats and things that will strengthen your vastus medialis and other stabilizing muscles. Dont just use the elliptical/treadmill to loose weight – I hurt my knee this way–
You have a great outlook on exercise Gina 🙂 I do the run thing whenever I get a random itch to do so otherwise I am perfectly happy with my 2 mile jog/walk/sprint/whatever for some cardio action.
You like roti?!?!!? My mom makes the best 🙂
i dont just like roti… i have a mad and crazy love affair with it
This is a great post! I LOVE running and training for races but I definitely know that running isn’t everything and balancing running with other workouts is key! 🙂
I feel ya! I ran walked a 2 mile race in most people’s 5k time. But I was so happy to be outside and MOVING that I just did not care 🙂
I feel pressure at times to go back to running… But I echo your sentiments: if I want to go for a run, I can go anytime! I don’t have to put pressure on myself. I hate feeling overly competitive, and injured! Exercise should be fun. For now, I’m sticking with my favorites — running can return any day it wants to, but I’m not going out of my way to call it home 😉
Great advice! Sometimes I compare myself to other runners and get a little down but I always have to remind myself that I’m doing MY own journey, not anyone elses.
So glad to hear that other people fall in and out of love with running. Sometimes it’s all I want to do and sometimes I have to force myself … but then think – why? As you pointed out, there are so many amazing and diverse ways to get yourself in shape!
Great post Gina! The pressure to run definitely takes the fun out of it. I’m constantly looking for new workouts so I don’t feel pressured to run as my only form exercise. Your blog is a huge inspiration for me to try new things!
I love this post! I keep trying to make myself run because that’s all I see on fitness blogs. But if it’s not enjoyable, why do it?! 🙂
Oh wow… “Running brought out a different layer of my Type A and perfectionist personality. Every time I ran, I felt like I had to perform better than the last time.” <– I have TOTALLY felt the same way. I am going to be super honest and say that I am one of the most stubborn runners ever. I often get on the treadmill and won't run at a pace slower than 8.5mph because I know that I'm able to run there for an hour – I've done it so many times before – and anything less would be 'slacking'. SO silly I know. I love your outlook on exercise Gina. I stopped racing for a similar reason – I found I just wasn't enjoying it. I loved the alone 'me' time, but the whole racing against others, pressuring myself to PR, etc… I did NOT like that! Love your balanced approach, and I LOVE you for introducing me to BodyRock!
So true Gina! And very well put. I think running is great and if someone loves it and it is their cup of tea then that’s even better. Sometimes I get the itch to run and I do – only 2 or 3 miles. But for the most part, I totally prefer workout classes and videos and enjoy pushing myself to the limits with those. I think many people think that running is the best way to burn calories and/or lose weight, but that isn’t actually the case.
I love running, but I am also a VERY type A personality and I agree with what you said: it shows at a whole new level with running. I’m training for a half now, and if I skip a day, even a cross-training day, I tend to freak out and think that I’m messing the whole thing up and won’t be prepared!
What a great post! You are so right that everyone has to pick the activities that are right for them – what they enjoy AND what’s right for their bodies. I am a runner but only during the nice weather months! 🙂
I love this post! I did a few small races last year and I loved them, but my perfectionist personality meant that every single run I did I HAD to beat a previous PR. It was driving me insane and started to make me feel bad about myself. Now when I run, I barely glance at my Garmin (I still like to know how many miles I’ve tackled) and I don’t worry about my time. Since I’m not training for a race, I’ve learned to appreciate running for fun!
That being said, nothing beats a great workout class such as boxing or CrossFit 🙂
I love running – but I absolutely agree that you have to do what’s right for you and listen to your body! If I ever start to feel like I *have* to run – then I’ll know it’s time to take a break! 🙂
I was watching Biggest Loser a while back and the 1st thing they have to do is run a mile. I was wondering if I could do it too so I got on the treadmill the next day and ran a mile, and kept going. Honestly it’s not my favorite workout but I don’t mind it either. So many of my friends are runners and it’s a nice way to all meet to do something together.
I totally feel the same way. I would overtrain and either hurt myself or end up neglecting some other aspect in my life just so I could consistently beat my personal best with each and every race. It got to the point where it just wasn’t fun anymore and the failure that I felt when I didn’t beat it would send me into a funk for days after….not quite the place that this homeschooling mom needs to be. I gave up running and focused more on other things, classes at the gym, pilates, weight lifting. I’m in the best shape of my life and I’ve recently started running again…but this time, I don’t bring my clock…I just do it because I love it, not to compete with myself.
and btw, you two are just so darned cute!
I will take cardio DVDs and dance over running any day. =) But I AM tempted by the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon!
I loved your post. I love running and racing right now, but it’s also a great encouragement and reminder to know that one day I might have other interests and that’s ok 🙂 One of the best things I’ve learned from your blog is to listen to my body.
I love this post–b/c I too broke up with running for a while, after running a bunch of races. I am a dancer at heart, but I DO enjoy running if I don’t have to answer to anyone else, and I run just for meeeee 🙂 Love that you’ve learned this too!!
Gina, I love that you don’t run! As a non-runner myself, I get bored with other fitness blogs that focus solely on it. I’m like you and that I do pretty much anything but run (don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I never do it, but usually only as a warm-up or cool down.) It’s why I love your blog so much; when you post a work-out, I can be pretty sure it’s not going to be 45 minutes of running at different speeds!
Great post! I just got into running with a friend of mine, and I am sort of wondering how I am going to feel when I stop improving with each run because I’m not totally new anymore.
you are how they say? adorable.
ty :)))))
I love running. And I do feel like I have to run, but I don’t think that’s a terribly bad thing. Can we just repeat extra carbs? 🙂
great post! I mainly run, but due to an IT band injury I have been forced into other goals which ahve been good for my body. I am getting a stronger core from ab work and less flabby arms from strength work! 😉
great post gina! i just did my very first half this weekend, and totally can understand where you are coming from. i am more of a short distance type of girl, but maybe i’ll do another half in the future and shorter distance races- im a big fan of HIIT! after the race i said to my bf how i can’t wait to get back to more lifting! i did strength workouts but not close to how much i use to do, and i missed it!
It sounds like you enjoy the fitness of running, but you don’t like training/racing/competition side of running. Can you let yourself run without signing up for a race or doing any training? Just run, don’t train.
without having a race to train for, i don’t feel motivated to run. it’s kind of a weird circle, ya know?
You have no idea how good your timing was with this post. I have been dealing with an injury for over a year and I can’t run at all but I’ve found other things like crossfit that I love but I do miss running.. Just yesterday I was thinking about it but my injury is still here without it so im not sure it’s in my cards. I’m thankful I can do other things and I never would have thought I would find something I loved as much but crossfit seems to help fill the void… Ok I’m babbling but seriously thank you for this post! 🙂
I was thinking about running this morning (I’m VERY new to it) and I realized that last year at this time, running was a total dream for me. I’m going to *hopefully* accomplish the race goals that I’ve set this year, but if it becomes too stressfull or “un”-fun, I definitely will stop! Running is a stress-reliever for me, and if it stops being that, then I think it’s time for me to stop running! I love that you recognized that and made that decision – and running, just for fun, can be just as rewarding without the stress and pressure!
I love running with all my heart! But i understand that it’s not for everyone. As long as you have something that keeps you healthy and happy, it doesn’t matter what you do. P.S. I am a Tucsonan as well (not native though, I moved here to go to grad school). I love all your beautiful Tucson pics!
I have to admit that I really hate running. However, I love that copy of “Are You There, Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea.” in one of your pics
i’m just going to be getting into running, so we’ll see how that goes, But i will definitely keep this all in mind, i wont train too hard.
i absolutely love the scenery there, makes me want to move there.
I started running track & field with a team when I was about 8 years old. It became a large part of my life until I turned down an opportunity to be part of a college team. My freshman year of college I continued running on my own and actually got faster without the support of a team. Then…I didn’t run but 4 times a year for 5 years until last month. I recently picked it back up and now I don’t want to stop again! I am VERY SLOW now, but thats ok. Its my time to get out and clear my mind 🙂 I think its awesome that you have many types of workouts that you enjoy. I just came seem to stick with anything else..
I LOVE this post!!! I love reading healthy living blogs, but when read about lots of races, I feel like, what’s wrong with me that I cannot train and race? I know that racing is not a good thing for me. My body needs (craves) an almost-daily sweat session that involves walking and light cardio. It’s what I do to keep migraines away and stress low. When I train, type A self freaks out and I lose balance. Anyway… I really appreciate you writing about this topic.
Can you also write about how your appetite fluctuates with exercise? I know that when I exercise, I’m hungrier later in the day or in the following days. Also, are you hungry in the morning? I’m always hungry in the morning. I cannot figure out if it’s b/c I’m not eating well in the evenings or if it’s just the way my body works… Thanks!
What a GREAT post! It is so true…running isn’t for everyone, and while I am loving running right now, I may not love it forever.
I love that your Pilot is your workout partner…I’m still working on getting my husband to workout with me!
P.S. I love that shirt, “will run for wine.”
🙂 “find one that you love and loves you back”
Yep, that’s what I need to do and how I feel about Bikram.
I can so relate to this post! It’s been almost a year since I’ve considered myself a runner, too, and I really don’t miss it at all. I also injured myself due to overtraining (I have the same scary type-a thing come out when I run…). Ultimately, I got very tired of the pressure I put on myself to run faster and farther and I hated organizing my meals, weekends and sleep schedule around running. I know some people LOVE that stuff — and that’s awesome! — but it’s not for me and I’m so happy I realized that. 🙂
Love this post Gina!
I train/run during the spring and summer and then not so much during the fall. I like to sometimes, but not all the time. I love the “alone” time running brings.
I thought you were training for a 1/2 a few weeks ago? Or am I thinking of someone else? But you weren’t going to talk about the training on the blog, that it was a fun run?
I haven’t tried Turbo Fire but Insanity is amazing! I even think it preps you better for running because of all the high intensity intervals. I wish I had a Dance Trance near me! It looks SO fun 🙂
Great post Gina.
I am not a runner, I’ve never been good at it but I’ve been trying. I like to get out and go for a small jog around the neighbourhood when the weather is nice. Right now I’m running about 2.4km in 17 minutes which I don’t think is great but I feel good afterwards. I am getting some extra cardio on top of my weights, I don’t feel over worked and I’m enjoying the outdoors.
I have thought about training for a marathon but I feel like it would be too much pressure to do well when I know I’m not a strong runner. on the flip side, maybe it would help me become a better runner, but then it might take the enjoyment out of it.
I love this post! I like short runs every now and then – but I much prefer other exercise routines!
I’ve actually been futzing around with it for the past couple of months until I had some serious pain in my hip yesterday. Time to take care of that before I do some real damage, and time to realize I don’t *HAVE* to be a runner.
I totally agree. When something stops becoming even mildly enjoyable you shouldn’t pressure yourself into doing it. I’ve been trying to convince myself that I’m a runner for 2 years but after not making it past 3.5 miles without limping around for a week after, I’ve decided running and I are more frenemies than lovers. Plus Zumba and kickboxing are way more fun 😉
I feel ya on this one. I used to run miles and miles, and one day just stopped and realized there was so much more to do! Big props to people who can run marathons and stuff, but it’s not for me. Sometimes I feel bad about it, but usually I don’t. I’ll stick to yoga and dance and other things that are more “me” — glad you are finding what works best for you too. 🙂
Ahhh I love this post. It’s so true. I’m traning for my 2nd half marathon right now & I’m sooo focussed on beating my first time. Each run I get mad at myself if I don’t meet my own standards PR for time per mile. The good things of running & the bad things you nailed it. I love your shirt will run for wine, ha that’s great! I still have never tried yoga or pilates and want to try both! 🙂
I like running but I have to mix it up with other forms of exercise or else I get bored. When I was training for my first 10K last summer, I got so fed up with my 3 runs a week routine; I couldn’t wait to get back to the gym for some cardio classes when it was over.
gina, you are awesome. i love this post.
thank you for being honest with your us, and for being true to yourself.
you are gina the dancing queen!!