3.14 Friday Faves

March 14, 2025

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? It’s been a rough few weeks around here. Everyone is healthy (thank goodness) but we’re going through a bit of a rough patch. I can probably share more when we’re on the other side, but we’re *in it* right now. Something that has brought me joy:…

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Patience is a Virtue

That apparently I don’t have How’s your day going? I’m doing the work blogging thing right now on a netbook that will be making a happy trip to Best Buy on Tuesday when I’m off. It’s still being verrrryyyyyy slow. If I ask it to do more than one thing at a time, it threatens…

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Hot [Bar] Date

Heyyyy 😀 Happy Sunday! Hope you’re having a beautiful and relaxing morning 🙂 Thanks for the awesome feedback on my dinner party post! Voting starts tomorrow AM <3 So last night, I had a hot dinner date…. with myself and the Whole Foods hot bar. Haha. I got off work kind of late and my…

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You’re Invited

Hey guys! How are you?? Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend so far <3 Thanks again so mucho to those of you who voted for the Next Food Blog Star. Here’s my entry for Challenge #3: Luxury Dinner Party 😀                         It’s always the…

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Competitive Streak

Hi guys! Happy Saturday 🙂 How’s your morning going?? After my late night at work and blog sesh, I totally slept through the yoga event I planned to go to this morning. It’s rare thing to miss a planned yoga class because I love it so much, but waking up and setting the alarm for…

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Friday Fail + Fall Fashion

Hi guys!! How are ya?? Yup, I’m a late night blogger owl tonight 😉 I was so excited because I took my netbook to blog on my lunch break.. and then it took my entire break to install Live Writer, which ended up not even working. Fail. But I’m here now 🙂 Some non-fails: A…

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