Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? It’s been a rough few weeks around here. Everyone is healthy (thank goodness) but we’re going through a bit of a rough patch. I can probably share more when we’re on the other side, but we’re *in it* right now. Something that has brought me joy:…
Continue Reading →Heyyyyy 😀 IT’S FRIDAY! Wahoo!!! Hope you have something fun going on this weekend 🙂 I started off my Friday with a giant organic plumble jumble: and a much-needed weights sesh. I’ve been neglecting iron pumping for the past week in favor of amazing yoga and dance classes 😉 This morning, it felt SO good…
Continue Reading →Hi guys! How’s your day been? <3 Thanks for the sweet words about Vieserton- I was a little (lot) shaken up last night, but she’s totally fine now. Guess who I had lunch with today?? 😀 My twinnie friends 🙂 I was so excited when Lori and Michelle told me they’d be in town this…
Continue Reading →Hey guys!! Happy almost-Friday 🙂 Anything fun planned this weekend? The rest of my off day yesterday was a little more eventful than I’d anticipated. That would be because I ended up using the Heimlich Maneuver on Viesa. I’ve always hoped that the Heimlich would go into the “good to know but will never have…
Continue Reading →“I’ve got a golden ticket I’ve got a golden twinkle in my eyeeeeeeeee” Bahah. How’s your day going, friends?? Mine has been glorious. Since I got here, my work schedule has been a little cray cray, so a day off has been fully embraced. 🙂 The day has included hot yoga – I was so…
Continue Reading →Hi guys! How are ya?? It’s Indian Food Wednesday! Who’s celebrating?? To be totally honest… I haven’t had Indian Food in a couple of weeks because last time I had it for dinner, we watched “The Cove” and I was traumatized and up sick all night. After taking a break, I think I’m ready for…
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