The best nontoxic air fryers

March 17, 2025

Sharing a roundup of the best nontoxic air fryers.ย  Hi friends! Happy Monday and happy St. Patrickโ€™s Day! What do you have going on? P has spring break, the girls have their usual activities, and weโ€™re headed to San Diego later this week. I.canโ€™t.wait. For todayโ€™s post, I wanted to chat a bit about nontoxic…

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Random Treasures

Hey hey hey ๐Ÿ˜€ Howโ€™s your night going?? Iโ€™m so glad yaโ€™ll are excited to follow along with Ronโ€™s vegan bodybuilding progress. I think it will be really easy for him to keep his muscle mass using plant-based protein ๐Ÿ™‚ Today was filled with lots of packing, but the bonus of moving is finding random…

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To Veganize a Bodybuilder

Hellloooooooo <3 HAPPY INDIAN FOOD WEDNESDAY! ๐Ÿ˜€ Whoโ€™s celebrating? *Raises curry-covered hand in the air* You know I am. Howโ€™s your day going? Mine has been pretty bueno. I taught bootcamp, dominated my legs at the gym, and the Pilot came home from work early ๐Ÿ™‚ To rewind to last night, I ate an entire…

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Shake for a Cause

Hey guys! Howโ€™s your day treating ya so far?? ๐Ÿ™‚ Looks like Iโ€™m not the only person in limbo right now– as always, I loved reading your comments this morning. For those of you who are also going through mayjah life transitions, hang in there. Itโ€™s definitely weird and a little stressful chillinโ€™ in limbo,…

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Hi guys! Howโ€™s your morning going?? Hope itโ€™s been bueno so far <3 I had every intention of blogging last nightโ€ฆ until our internet went kaput, so I crawled on the couch with puppers and a blanket and crashed out while the Pilot was fixing it. He carried me up to bed around midnight ๐Ÿ™‚…

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Hello, Hot Bar

Hi guys! How are ya?? Happy Labor Day to those of you who have the day off! What do you have planned? Last night, the Pilot and I drove around looking for somewhere to feast. We wanted to go somewhere super casual (he was in shorts and I was in yoga clothes with frizzy rain…

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