things I had to learn the hard way about health and wellness

September 19, 2024

Hi friends! How’s the week going? I hope that you’re having an amazing week. It’s been wild around here as usual, working during the day and chasing the kids around in the afternoons and evenings. I feel like summer was so peaceful and that the school year is pure chaos. I’m still trying to figure…

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A Fitnessista Thanksgiving

Hey everyone! I’m pre-writing this bad johnny, because chances are that I’m at the mall right now *insert evil laugh* Wowzers. Yesterday was ah-freaking-mazing. I slept in a little, went to work for a training appointment and then hopped on the elliptical and watched the Thanksgiving parade for 30 minutes. It made me super proud…

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I’m thankful

For my amazing familia (My nana!!! Hope it’s ok I put a pic of you on here, Friend) For dogs     Goat cheese and vino   Both types of crack… the “berry” and “Mary” Old friends Blog friends! Yoga Raw foods!! (all foods, actually) For being married to the love of my life Who…

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Hayum day

Hi guys! How’s your night treating ya?? I’ve had a bueno day, full of ham 😉 First, I worked out my hamstrings (hamstrings), quads and calves with Jeni 5 minutes elliptical Bench step-ups Body weight, 3 sets of 12 on each side Bench squats 6 lb kettleball 3 sets of 12 Calf raise on a…

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Give the girl some carbs

Hey everyone! Hope your morning before Shrimpsgiving is going well 😀 Today is already SO much better than yesterday was… I woke up to a sleeping pilot (who had been gone for a couple of days), partially-sane puppies and a bowl of raw cacao cereal: ***For more info on the cereal, click here I had…

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The bloggy is back

Hey everyone! What. A . Day. First of all, thank you so much for those of you who tweeted and emailed that the blog was down this morning. We had some server/database issues, but everything is back to bueno now. Thank goodness- I had a minor panic attack that all of my work was lost…

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