how I overcame autoimmune struggles

January 17, 2025

Sharing some of the details on how I overcame my autoimmune struggles, brought balance to my body, and am now symptom-free. Download the free ebook here. Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful morning so far. I have a day stacked with client calls and am looking forward to some adventures…

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Reader’s Request: Fab Abs

Hey bloggies 😀 It’s time for another reader’s request post! Hey Gina, I work out my abs pretty often and still don’t see any definition! Any tips? Also, what are your favorite ab exercises??? Thanks! Ahh, the coveted toned girly abbies.   (Source) Now, I’ve never been one to desire a serious 6 pack. The…

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They know me too well

Hey hey hey! Happy Monday! I’m still cracking up from reading your rapper names 😀 Hilarious. Somehow this week doesn’t seem like such a doozy.. I’m stoked for holiday time! The only bummer is that I miss my family a lot during this time of the year… good news is that I’ll see them in…

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Talented Rapper

Hey everyone! Happy Sunday to ya 😀 Hope you’ve had a fabulous weekend. We saw Avatar in 3-D last night… all I have to say is whoa. It was crazy good and I’m not a big Sci-Fi buff. The story line was intense –and I loved the message it focused on- and the special effects…

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Elves at work

I’m not the only one in this family with a snowman obsession 😉 How are ya’ll doing?? Hope your weekend is going well so far! The pilot and I slept in this morning.. and it felt soooooo good 😀 Something even better? Breakfast was PINK! I hate pink, in case you couldn’t tell 😉 Into…

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Unintentional bloggy vacay

Hey everyone! I MISSED YOU! I am so incredibly sorry about all of the blog problems yesterday. My site (and Mama Pea’s) were hacked and someone/thing installed malicious software, which most of you got a warning stating that visiting my blog was potentially dangerous. We have excellent security on the bloggy, but just wanted to…

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